Smile and the World . . .

Smile and the World . . .

Smile and the World . . .

. . . Smiles with You !

What is the difference between good service and superb service that blows you away? Being in a service industry I have pondered that my whole career. What I have come up with is as simple as it gets, but isn’t that almost always the case? We always think we have to move mountains in order to impress, or dramatically change the needle one way or another. When in fact, most times, it is the small tweak that makes the biggest difference. I suggest that the simplicity of a smile makes the biggest difference. Now, I do not mean a split second smirk from behind a counter. But a smile that never leaves your face, that is infectious, that radiates an energy that people are blinded by – that kind of smile.

  • Smile and the whole world smiles with you, frown and you frown alone.
  • I guarantee that if you smile while serving on the phone, it can be heard.

The task of service is the same, but the energy you bring to that task it what sets apart the good, from the great. We all know it; we’ve all seen it. You walk into a place of business and you can feel the energy right away, the bad energy that is.  Grumpy staff, without a smile, treating you like a disturbance in their day, when in fact you are one of the very reasons this business exists and should be treated as such. Now you walk into a five star service establishment, you are greeted with a smile, a can do attitude and a positive energy that is palpable. The staff is genuinely concerned about your experience and helping you anyway they can. When confronted with a tall order they simply smile and say “My pleasure” no resistance, no push back, just a genuine want to help. That is the type of service that is rare in today’s world; do not let it be your world – smile : )

What puts a smile on your face?

What do you do to put a smile on anothers face?

Tell me when you last disarmed a troubling situation with a simple smile.


Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Lori Bristol says:


    I agree with Jeff, for once. You are the perfect person to remind us to keep smiling. Your smile is very infectious and genuine.

    A smile is the simplest thing to put on in the morning, yet it is powerful enough to change somebody’s day.

    Love ya!

    • It is powerful enough to change somebody’s day, pretty incredible isn’t it. The more I interact with the readers of this blog the more incredible it becomes to me just how much a smile can do, I’m more convinced then ever now. Thanks for sharing your beautiful smile with us on a daily basis. I do not agree with Jeff to often either! Love ya.

  2. Carrie Bayer says:

    I love this, Chuck! I especially like to smile at total strangers- it’s so awesome to see their expression change when they realize you are smiling at them. I love to follow the smile with a sincere “Hello” or “Good morning” & I can say I’ve never had anyone deny me the same reply. It’s wonderful! Many people complain about their smile lines around their eyes but I love mine because I’ve earned them, one smile at a time…. Carrie

    • Hey Carrie, I love that thought, “I earned them one smile at a time.” I love when you practically startle a person cause they are so used to walking by people without any interaction. Keep on changing those expressions Carrie, thanks for sharing your wonderful smile with us. Love ya.

  3. Marianne Piotrowski says:

    Infants and small children put a smile on my face very easily back in 2008 after I had gall bladder surgery I wasn’t feeling quite well. My cousins asked my brother to be there infant sons Godfather. After the baptism, they had a party at the forest preserves picnic area. The mom plopped the baby in my arms and went to play with her older son. Soon the infant was smiling and I was smiling at him and then singing to him.

    To someone smile I simply catch their eye and smile at them and they more often then not smile back.

    When was the last time I disarmed a situation with a smile. Well two people at work were having an argument at work over something totally stupid. I said, ” Oh please, your arguing about that. Come on give it up you know your both being ridiculous.” I smile a wide smile , and they smiled and soon we were all lauging.

    • Infants and small children will get you every time won’t they. They just smile with such ease wrapped in that innocence you just cannot help but smile back. Children get it don’t they, as adults we become bogged down with responsibility and we forget that it is all about relations and enjoying the moment in front of you and smiling. It is cool when you can change the bad mood and turn it around, nothing better, keep on smiling.

      • Patricia Kolstad says:

        Nothing brings me more joy than when I see the smile on my Sofia’s face when I visit. Everything else melts away. Children give their smiles freely, without reservation. Oh, if we could be that open.

  4. Joanna Ramirez says:

    Awesome post Charles!!! I agree. The simplicity of a smile goes a long way.

    • Yes it does, I see a lot of smiles on all those photos of your baby girl and I see it bring big smiles to your face. I’m so happy for you Joanna and your new journey as a mother. Thanks for sharing your smile with us over the years. Keep it up!

    • Shasta Thompson says:

      Yes, thank you for the picture of Malia at our desk, they make me smile!

  5. Diana Williams says:

    Great post Chuck! Thank you for sharing it everyday with us! It’s so contagious!
    In my role as “Director of first impressions” (thanks for giving me that title, Chuck)
    I see this everyday with the families I greet and talk with on the phone, it is a powerful tool!

    • Let’s just say you are in the right seat on the bus Diana. And there are no two ways about it, it starts with your wonderful smile. But you not only do it in person, I have heard and seen you do it on the phone. As mentioned in the blog I guarantee people can hear your smile over the phone. On numerous occasions I have heard families mention how nice and thoughtful your receptionist (Director of first impressions) is. Thank you for all you do and sharing your wonderful smile with the world.

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