Smile and the World . . .
What is the difference between good service and superb service that blows you away? Being in a service industry I have pondered that my whole career. What I have come up with is as simple as it gets, but isn’t that almost always the case? We always think we have to move mountains in order to impress, or dramatically change the needle one way or another. When in fact, most times, it is the small tweak that makes the biggest difference. I suggest that the simplicity of a smile makes the biggest difference. Now, I do not mean a split second smirk from behind a counter. But a smile that never leaves your face, that is infectious, that radiates an energy that people are blinded by – that kind of smile.
The task of service is the same, but the energy you bring to that task it what sets apart the good, from the great. We all know it; we’ve all seen it. You walk into a place of business and you can feel the energy right away, the bad energy that is. Grumpy staff, without a smile, treating you like a disturbance in their day, when in fact you are one of the very reasons this business exists and should be treated as such. Now you walk into a five star service establishment, you are greeted with a smile, a can do attitude and a positive energy that is palpable. The staff is genuinely concerned about your experience and helping you anyway they can. When confronted with a tall order they simply smile and say “My pleasure” no resistance, no push back, just a genuine want to help. That is the type of service that is rare in today’s world; do not let it be your world – smile : )
What puts a smile on your face?
What do you do to put a smile on anothers face?
Tell me when you last disarmed a troubling situation with a simple smile.
Hi Molly,
Thanks for your E-Mail. Do Hope all is well.!! My response would be that there will be times when you will do a act of Kindness be on the unexpected norm and you will go be on your Service naturally. and you will just do it. Reason is we are “Born” with in us “God Grace” that we can’t seem to see others in “Sorrow” Helplessness ” So we give ourselves with a first “HELLO” & “SMILE”. I did for 14yrs. Love every minute. And Miss it. The Airport was private for all VIP !!! Met all kinds of personality.
I had experience this when I was working at “Martin Aviation Airport” Receptionist & Customer Service, this took top priority in everything we did. I had done a Service be on my duty and an reporter that work with us saw me and Publish it in our “Newsletter” & I Received the only award Martin had ever given. I was only doing what came “Natural” Which I truly love doing till this day.!!!! I really was bless for having a wonderful position with people I care for and to connect with others. In Life one need to love oneself before you can give to Others.
Nice hearing from you. Always: Frannie +
Just a thought, from a recent trip to China. I was overjoyed to be there, and my time was spent on the subways in Beijing and Shanghai, or walking on the sidewalks of either city going to or from Buddhist temples. I was really, really, really happy, and smiled at everyone who would look at me. Literally hundreds of people – and I only got one smile in return. Smiling, which is an ability all human share, is a culturally-defined activity, just like so many other human behaviors!
I’m so glad I live in a place where we can, and do, reach out to others in kindness with a gentle smile, a wave, and a gestural “thank you”! Thanks to Chuck for a great post, and thanks to the whole O’Connor team for such fine blogging!
Thanks Kim and welcome home. It is interesting when we get off of our island isn’t. I’m glad you mentioned this, people not responding to your smile or gesture.It reminds me that in reality although it is nice to get reciprocation really the benefit ultimately is for us when we smile, I just feel better when I do. I try not to give power to other people to affect how I feel, easier said then done I know, but you and you alone have the power to control what energies you choose to concentrate on, positive or negative. Thanks for spreading that grin all over China you made a difference without knowing it and definitely made a difference for at least one person and that matters.
Chuck, Reading your blog really made me miss your wonderful smile! Its been a while but I can still picture it perfectly in my mind. And its not just a smile with your lips there is a smile in your eyes too.
Hey Loretta,
Thank you that is very sweet, I certainly can recall your great smile, miss you, hope all is well.
I sincerely hope it is true that smiles are contagious! I love giving and receiving them – especially to people that don’t seem to really want one, or expect one!