While our professional staff is here to assist you with the first steps of this new journey, we know that after a funeral is when the reality of loss begins to sink in. Believing that we owe it to our families to provide a continuum of care, we offer valuable and researched resources to people in grief.
If you would like to be connected with a support group, a grief therapist, or just learn more about what your grief journey may look like, we are here to talk and help.
Grief Library
O’Connor Mortuary is the leader in Bereavement Resources. We have an extensive online library of information for our community. Our grief resources offer Local Support Groups, Online Article Archives, Printable Grief Brochures, as well as Recommended Readings.
Grief doesn’t end with your funeral ceremony and neither does our journey with you. We believe in Aftercare, a way in which we assist families with practical matters, counseling options, or any other questions that may arise.
O’Connor Candlelight Service of Remembrance
Each December we honor the memory of loved ones by offering a Candlelight Service of Remembrance. Families are encouraged to provide a photograph of their loved one as part of our Photo Tribute portion of the service. The service also includes a message of comfort and hope, special music, a candle lighting ceremony, and during the reading of the names, each family receives a candle of remembrance.
Photo Tribute | Highlights from the 2021 Ceremony | Watch the full 2021 Ceremony
Angel of Hope
O’Connor Mortuary has been actively involved with the Angel of Hope Candlelight Ceremony since its dedication on September 28, 2002 at El Toro Memorial Park in Lake Forest. Every year on December 6th at 7:00 pm, a ceremony is held at the angel statue to support parents who have had a child die at any age, for any reason. Visit the website – or call (714) 973-8417 to learn more about this precious evening.
After the loss of a loved one, we are there to walk with you every step of the way. That’s why we have created the “Perspectives on Grief” brochures as part of our complete care for families. If you would like to learn more about our grief classes or community outreach events please call me anytime or visit our event calendar.
Becky Lomaka, MA, CT
Director of Grief Support & Community Education