Smile and the World . . .

Smile and the World . . .

Smile and the World . . .

. . . Smiles with You !

What is the difference between good service and superb service that blows you away? Being in a service industry I have pondered that my whole career. What I have come up with is as simple as it gets, but isn’t that almost always the case? We always think we have to move mountains in order to impress, or dramatically change the needle one way or another. When in fact, most times, it is the small tweak that makes the biggest difference. I suggest that the simplicity of a smile makes the biggest difference. Now, I do not mean a split second smirk from behind a counter. But a smile that never leaves your face, that is infectious, that radiates an energy that people are blinded by – that kind of smile.

  • Smile and the whole world smiles with you, frown and you frown alone.
  • I guarantee that if you smile while serving on the phone, it can be heard.

The task of service is the same, but the energy you bring to that task it what sets apart the good, from the great. We all know it; we’ve all seen it. You walk into a place of business and you can feel the energy right away, the bad energy that is.  Grumpy staff, without a smile, treating you like a disturbance in their day, when in fact you are one of the very reasons this business exists and should be treated as such. Now you walk into a five star service establishment, you are greeted with a smile, a can do attitude and a positive energy that is palpable. The staff is genuinely concerned about your experience and helping you anyway they can. When confronted with a tall order they simply smile and say “My pleasure” no resistance, no push back, just a genuine want to help. That is the type of service that is rare in today’s world; do not let it be your world – smile : )

What puts a smile on your face?

What do you do to put a smile on anothers face?

Tell me when you last disarmed a troubling situation with a simple smile.


Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Shasta Thompson says:

    Great post Chuck! A smile can make anyones day better, even your own. I find it helpful to get through the day by smiling at everyone because it always come back and makes me feel good, I think any positive energy like that is very powerful!

    • Anne Collins says:

      Shasta, I have to say, I have never met anyone with a sweeter smile, nor one that is more consistent. It makes everyone around you feel better for having received it. And of course, you get a lot of smiles back, like you said. I am glad to know you!

    • I have a confession Shasta “like the cola” I thought of you at one point when I wrote this blog. No offense to anyone on our incredible team but you embody this sentiment more then anybody. You have been a ray of sunshine in our care center, all accomplished with your wonderful smile. Thanks for all you do for the families we serve, keep on smiling.

  2. Karilyn Leslie says:

    “You’re never fully dressed without a smile!!” Little Orphan Annie. Thank goodness you come to work every day FULLY DRESSED!! LOL!! Your smile is infectious!!

    Love you my friend!!

  3. Shayna Mallik says:

    Great post and very inspiring. I myself agree a smile goes along way. When you smile it brightens everyone’s day including your own. Thank you for always smiling and brightening all of our days.


  4. Anne Collins says:

    Isn’t that the truth? A smile disarms even the most stubborn individuals. A certain gentleman has been in the neighborhood for years. He is just not a happy person and finds many reasons to be disagreeable with others. Lou and I took it upon ourselves to pray daily for him to “have a blessed day.” for several months. On top of that, we would smile and say “good morning” or “hi” whenever we saw him. He is who he is, but the consistent smile and greetings are breaking him down in a positive way. He doesn’t seem as disgruntled any more. More than anything, to me a smile opens the door for friendship, conversation or at least a way to let the unhappy or lonely person know they are not “invisible”.
    Thanks for a good reminder. You are good at sharing smiles and your warmth.

    • Thanks Anne, I have enjoyed your smile and laugh for many a moon now. It is a simple yet powerful jester isn’t it. I like your later statement” letting a lonely person know they are not invisible” what an incredible gift to impart on another fellow being and it’s free of charge. Keep on smiling.

  5. GREG FORSTER says:

    Hi Chuck,

    Funny that I should read your blog today…great timing. I had a morning appointment today with a very nice couple to discuss pre-planning their arrangements. Due to their cultural background, some extra sensitivity and a slight increase in formality was in order for which they were most grateful, and which also allowed them to feel comfortable with me in their company. I was respectful and reserved without being distant…and as we progressed, the earnestness of my smile communicated more than words were capable of. A smile genuinely can form the bridge that makes a valuable connection. Looking someone in the eye when doing so solidifies that connection. It has been said that President Clinton is a talented communicator, not just to large gatherings as a public speaker, but people say that in a “one on one” situation, even within a large, noisy environment, he makes you feel as if you are the only person in the room. You are the most important person in the world at that moment. Imagine if we aim for that level of interest in others, and the power of communication that a smile can add to that conversation!

    Chuck, you disarmed me and made me feel comfortable when I really needed it last Fall as a “New Kid” here at O’Connor Mortuary. You did that with your smile first…the words came later…but it is your smile that I remember and I thank you for it.


    • Thanks Greg, you are no longer the new kid on the block. What else can cut through cultural and communication divide more than a smile? It is an art to be able to make someone feel like they are the only one in a crowded room. Keep on doing it!

    • Patricia Kolstad says:

      Well said Greg . . . I love your perspective.

      • Cherry Schlange says:

        On perspective: As a musician I have heaerd it said so many times over my schooling and carrer:
        I was just thinking (perspective!) perhaps a statement should be made about the smile since it is a most powerful communication without words (kinda like a hug!).
        So now, we can see how many other”sayings” people will come up with. Would be fun?

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