3 Reasons Why You & Your Phone Should Take a Break

3 Reasons Why You & Your Phone Should Take a Break

3 Reasons Why You & Your Phone Should Take a Break

In today’s busy world we are programmed to go go go! With the help of technology, the “go go going” is getting faster every day. We have cell phones that make dinner reservations, coffee makers that use iPods, and DVRs that record the television shows we like to watch so we can fast forward through them. With all of these devices I sometimes feel like George Jetson running on his treadmill in the sky. Why do we use all of these gadgets? So we can save time!

But in the process of “saving time” I find myself wasting a lot of it on the same devices that were supposed to help free-up my time in the first place. While playing with my son, Jesse, I am on the phone texting, reading emails, looking up NBA scores and checking out Facebook. I realized that I am losing precious time with Jesse that I can never get back. He doesn’t have a pause or rewind button. If I miss one of his milestones, that’s it. There is never going to be another “first time”.

Life gives us an unknown amount of time on this earth so we need to spend it wisely. Have our gadgets really helped us save time? If so, what have we done with all the saved time? Think about the quality of your time, enjoying the moment and tuning in by turning off.

Virtual vs. Real – Instead of having a virtual conversation, have a real conversation. Really listen when somebody is speaking to you. You may miss that nugget of wisdom because you were two steps ahead of the conversation and eager to give your response without letting them finish their thoughts; and all because you are trying to save time. When you give time to others through listening and attention you not only improve the quality of your relationship but you spend your time wisely.

Enjoying the Moment – We have a tendency to worry about what happened yesterday and what might be in store for us tomorrow instead of enjoying the actual moment we are in. I become more aware of this when it comes to my son. I only have a few hours with him each day and I want those hours to become a lifetime of memories for both of us. In other words, I’m intentional about the time I spend with him.

Tune In by Turning Off – This is such a simple concept, yet I often see couples out to dinner checking their cell phones. I’ve been guilty of this on occasion – don’t make my mistake. The emails and messages are still going to be there in a couple of hours so have a great date! Anne wrote about the importance of allowing your mind to rest before bed and I’m also advocating that you do this as you enter into playtime with your kids or a date night. Either turn your phone off ahead of time or choose to ignore it when you’re with these special people. You will be happy you did.

Now take a moment and pause, no really . . . PAUSE.  Now, think of the simple things in life that make you happy and ask yourself these questions:

Do I struggle with enjoying the moment? What can I do to change that?

What can I do to improve the quality of my time?

Which relationships need more of my focused attention?


Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Neil,

    Your personal insight and experience speaks to us all. I find it amusing when my cell phone rings and I don’t answer it; prompting others to tell me in a “Chris, your phone is ringing!!!” My response: “I am Lord over my phone.” There is a time and place for answering, calling, texting, emailing, Facebooking, Tweeting, Pinning and blogging. Thanks for reminding us all that we are the lords of our phones. Peace Always! Chris

  2. Amy says:

    So funny you wrote on this topic. It has been the topic at my house quite frequently. On several occasions I have had to take my girls phones away at the dinner table. I am trying to get them to understand that is our time together to reflect on the day without the interruptions of their phone going off. Who ever is calling or texting is not as important as your family you are with at that moment. They will still be there when you are done. I have to say it is a good feeling to be able to sit and talk without the interruptions. You forget how important the face to face communication is. Thanks for reminder of what’s important.

    • Hi Amy –

      Thanks for your reply! I am glad you can relate to this old man, going old school on you! The older I get the more I value relationships and conversations. One of my favorite times of the day is at the dinner time, when Lisa & I can talk about the day and life. Jesse Joe thinks it is time to shine and be the little joker he is, we call it the Jesse Joe show. Enjoy your dinner table time with your girls, as you know they will be out the door sooner than you know it.


  3. Carrie says:

    Neil, you are so right! In the past, I felt like I was chained to my cell & always had to check for new texts, emails, breaking news, etc. It was so distracting from the important things that were right in front of me. Now, I look forward to turning off the ringer & burying my cell in my purse so I can enjoy what is or isn’t going on in my immediate surroundings. Thank you so much for the reminder that some things can wait while you participate in your life as it happens. XOXOX Carrie

    • Carrie –

      You are welcome! I am glad you have found a new freedom in enjoying the real life. You deserve to have a balanced life and enjoy the moments that can make life full of fun and magic.


  4. Annette says:

    True words. And I think it’s important to turn off the electronics not to just enjoy our loved ones, but to spend time with ourselves, and perhaps to hear that “still, small voice”.

  5. Karilyn Leslie says:

    Thank you for this excellent topic. I had to deal with a situations a few weeks ago where I confiscated cell phones at the dinner table. As you know Kevin and I have 7 children, and we were blessed to have 4 of them and a couple of their friends home for dinner. I was frustrated when my step daughter’s cell vibrated and she immediately answered it. That started a chain reaction around the table. Like I had granted them permission my children and their friends had their phones in their faces. I stood up pushed out my chair and said “OK ENOUGH, hand them over!” Two of the culprits were over 21, but that didn’t make a difference, I’m still the MOM! They reluctantly handed over the devices and I dropped them into a basket. This gave my husband and I a great teaching moment and topic of conversation for the rest of the meal. I hope that more parents will dare to be bold, even with their adult children. If they don’t learn it from us, then where will they learn to “be in the moment?” Many times I have friends who say, “hey, how come you didn’t answer me?” or “you never responded to my post.” Here it is folks. I try really hard to be with my family when I’m not at work. Sure, I enjoy posting and texting, but I’ve come a long way at curtailing my phone use. This past weekend, my phone was plugged into the Bose doc while the family and I blasted tunes and worked around the house. Taking a techno break can be extremely satisfying.
    Love you my friend!! And don’t you or Lisa blink, before you know it he’ll be 21 sitting at your dinner table, as a hologram from somewhere else in the universe!!

    • Hi Kari –

      I love your story! That is a great teaching moment, the dinner table needs to be a place just for those who are at the table, all others can live for at least one hours without us. Someday your kids will appreciate you and your values. When can I come over for dinner? I promise I will be good too!

      • Karilyn Leslie says:

        You & your little fan are always welcome!! Bring your swimmies, we’ll throw JJ in the pool!!

        • Karilyn Leslie says:

          That was supposed to be “fam” but auto correct interfered!! Though I know JJ is your biggest “fan.”

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