Teresita Franco Santos
May 04, 1933 - February 24, 2005
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Teresita Franco Santos
May 04, 1933 - February 24, 2005
Teresita Franco Santos lives in , passed away at the age of 71.
Born on May 04, 1933 and passed away on February 24, 2005.
50 responses to Teresita Franco Santos
Alexis Guerrier says:
February 26, 2005
I always admired Tita Terry’s spunk, something all Franco women share. Her beauty and smile, unmatched, is also something the Franco women share. It feels as if she’s been taken from us too soon – but she will not be taken from our hearts.
Dawn Beechner says:
February 26, 2005
Terry is an amazing person. She is kind, caring, loving and funny. I will always remember her gentle and soft smile that made feel so welcomed. I was truly blessed to have an amazing mother-in law. I have a new guardian angel to pray to at night. I love you!!!
Edwyn F. Santos says:
February 26, 2005
I love our mother very much. My heart broke to pieces when she departed. I am not alone in my sorrow for she touched many hearts. She is the most wonderful woman in the world. I will always treasure my memories of her forever. I will miss you mom.
Mena Isbell says:
February 26, 2005
Teresita was a beautiful rose, that will grow and grow. Our tears will water our rose and a smile of rememberance will make it grow. So when it’s are time we will know, God enhanced His heavenly garden with a beautiful rose, that we will all know.
Amanda Santos says:
February 27, 2005
Tita Terry was a wonderful, caring woman who was always welcoming and kind. She had a generous spirit and I am blessed to have had her in my family. She will be sorely missed, but at least I have the fondest memories of her. She will always be a part of my heart.