Sumini Lay
December 20, 1939 - February 20, 2015
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Sumini Lay
December 20, 1939 - February 20, 2015
Sumini Lay is a loving and caring mother of six children, Vincent, Tjandra, Soegiharto, Budi Setio, Susana, and Suhartini (Ninik). A grandmother of ten grandchildren as well.
She was born in Jember, East Java, Indonesia on December 20, 1939. Married to late husband Agus Tjahjono Hadikusumo (went home with the Lord on May 2013). Together with her husband, she raised all six children while running their business as well.
She was remembered as a good cook within the family.
She moved to the United States of America in 2000. The past four years have been the toughest time for her in fighting the Parkinson’s Disease, but she remained strong fighting it.
Last December 2014, she had a chance to celebrate her seventy fifth birthday with the family. On February 4, 2015, she had a mild stroke causing her to be comatose state, and peacefully went home with the Lord on February 20, 2015, at 11:15 pm, surrounded by sons, daughters, daughters in law, and grandchildren at Western Medical Center, Santa Ana, California.
She will be buried in Indonesia, by her beloved husband’s side.
She will be remembered and greatly missed.
185 responses to Sumini Lay
B Chien says:
July 8, 2021
Papà Mama.. sudah ketemu Sin2 ngak? Sin2 sudah pergi ketemu Papà Mamu 2 bulan yg lalu.
Tolong bantu jagain keluarga Sin2 semua dan semua anak Papà Mama ya.
Kangen Papà Mama, hidup lebih berat dan capek setelah Papà Mama ngak ada. Miss you and love you Papà Mama<3
Bei Chien says:
October 7, 2022
Buat Papa Mama tercinta, I love and miss you both Very much.
Bei Chien says:
December 19, 2022
Bentar lagi Mama ulang tahun… i miss you Mama ku, Papà ku dan A Sin Pak ku ❤️
B. Chien says:
February 21, 2024
Mama ku sayang, kemaren tgl 20 February, Mama sudah pergi 9 tahun. Sorry Mama belakangan ini jarang ngobrol sama Mama, kita semua baik2, Mama sama Papa di surga Jgn kwatir ya… I love you and miss you both Mama & Papa.
B. Chien says:
December 24, 2024
Mama sayang, 2 hari yg lalu ulang tahun nya Mama… Happy Belated heavenly Birthday Mama.
Kangen Mama, Papa dan Sin2, Merry Christmas, love you all ❤️❤️