Rest . . . Can’t Skimp on it, Can’t Bank It

Rest . . . Can’t Skimp on it, Can’t Bank It

My precocious 4 year old great granddaughter was telling me about the seeds she had planted with daddy.  She had forgotten to water them that day, so we talked about how they grow. “Every day they need water and sun. It helps them stretch and grow little by little until they become what they were intended to be.” I told her.

“What happens at night?” Elisabeth asked.  “The seeds have to rest.” I said.  “Nothing can grow constantly.  It grows during the day and rests at night, so it can grow again tomorrow. “ She said nothing, but her big round eyes told me she was thinking about this.

How profound I can sound to a 4 year old.  Later I reflected on what I had said. When our lives become super busy, over-committed, with too many goals and “To Do’s”, we lose not only effectiveness, but more importantly: REST.

We cannot rest completely with too much unfinished business.  We will either put off sleep until too late for the natural rhythms to work properly, or we will lie there mentally continuing our day.  Night after night, we do just three more things instead of going to bed, thinking we will catch up on our sleep on the weekend or the holiday.

Here’s what I have learned about the resting period known as sleep :

  • Must be consistent, with an adequate amount each night.  Check out this link to see what the Washington Post found happens when you don’t get adequate rest, we’re talking diabetes, cancer and obesity.
  • Allows our cells to repair and rebuild Harvard Medical has a good article on this. It confirms the physiological changes that occur during sleep include rebuilding and repairing cells.
  • Heals our mind and spirit.  A great piece from Asia One expands on this. Our minds and spirits need to rest regularly.  The benefits are great and the lack affects our outlook and interactions with others negatively.
  • Frees our minds and thoughts, allowing us to regroup sufficiently for a new day.  So, how do we do this?  You must prepare your mind to be ready to rest, when your body is ready to rest.
  • Turn off the television at least an hour prior if you are a couch potato.
  • Tidy your space and lay out what you will need the next morning. It is freeing, with less to remember.
  • Take a bath or shower with a change into comfortable night clothes. It further sets the stage for resting.
  • Sip a cup of herbal tea and read meditational material.
  • If you journal, put down thoughts or commit your concerns to a list.
  • Open a window.
  • Use a fan, mood music or nature sounds for white noise.
  • Remove all light sources.
  • Finally, a little talk with your Creator always helps.  It should include thanks for the good things and lessons of the day, along with placing the impossible situations we all seem to have squarely in His hands for the night.
  • Gives time for our creative juices to replenish.  A mind freed of concerns to the fullest extent possible is free to create.  Unsolved problems by bedtime go into our subconscious.  During deep sleep, our amazing minds actually solve problems.  As you lazily come to wakefulness, there it is! The solutions fall into place. You wonder why you didn’t see it before!
  • Cannot be banked, to catch up another night.  Realize it.  You are in charge of yourself!!  Make a conscious decision to plan to sleep when you should be doing so. Everything will not ever be done.  Give yourself permission to go to bed.  Try the tips above to ready yourself.  Consistent rest is the only healthy rest.  You cannot “catch up later”.  Your body responds best to regular rhythms and spaces for all activities, including a regular, adequate time to sleep.
  • Will eventually make you sick.  Lack of adequate sleep creates stress to our whole body.  Our immune system also works to heal while we rest.  If we consistently get less sleep than we require, our immune system weakens.  We become susceptible to the colds and germs around us, that we might otherwise be able to resist.

Remember, like I shared with little Elisabeth, plants don’t grow 24 hours a day.  They need a dark place to rejuvenate.  So do you!

Do you over-commit?

Do you compulsively do too much before allowing yourself to rest?

Do you think that you can push, push, push, then instantly plop into bed and still sleep well?

Perhaps you have identified definite results in your own life that directly relate to your sleeping and rest habits.  Please share your experiences:


Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Posted this on my FB page, Anne. I”m following you now. My craft missions blog is above. I forgot to give that to you on FB. Blessings.

    • Anne says:

      Welcome, Coleen. I am so glad to reconnect with you. I met another gal who is doing missions work in Bucharest for the last 14 years. Very sweet person. What a neat ministry she has there. She has her ladies doing jewelry with Swarovski crystals that they sell to help support her work. She works with unwanted babies and moms. Hugs and be safe! Anne

  2. Fitz says:


    Your words are so true and are a great reminder of how rest and sleep keep us sharp both mentally and physically. I know, my back pain gets diminished the more rest and sleep I get….along with exercise.
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Anne Collins says:

      Thank you for reading my blog and commenting. I know you place a high value on health and well being and appreciate your time to make an observation.

  3. Anne says:

    I absolutely love to read your posts to our blogs. You have such a way of expressing yourself. I think you are a writer at heart. I can’t nap in the daytime often either. I have to be down and out for the count before I actually sleep in the daytime, but find that a 10-20 rest is almost as good. Sometimes I do that at lunch, just to charge up and it is effective.
    Exercise or caffeine too deep into the evening affects me, also. My mind just doesn’t shut off.
    Thank you! I shall! You, too!

  4. GREG FORSTER says:

    I agree that we need self-discipline in order to make adequate rest a priority. Also, as we get older, our need for sleep, and rest along with it, change. It is important as you state, that our minds are prepared for rest. If our minds are troubled, we are emotional or worried, then we are not prepared for rest. Writing things down to get them off my mind if they are still “front and center” helps me and in turn gives me permission to put them mentally aside till later. I don’t have to worry about not forgetting them. Sometimes if I wake up at nite I will still write something down so that I do not have to remember it all nite long.
    I have always been envious of those who can nap. This I can only rarely do, nor can I sleep on airplanes. Good Luck to those who can.
    I learned a big lesson about sleep with the birth of my first son. For both of them, I did the night feedings and was the one who mostly got up at nite so that my wife could rest. Son number one, though, had cholic. I existed for many weeks getting up several times a nite. My son loved it, my wife and I felt we were “losing it” until we were able to correct the situation.
    As we get older and our lives and responsibilities get more complicated, more than ever, we need to make adequate rest a priority. And as we know, exercise helps to promote deeper sleep as long as we do it early enough before bedtime. In my single days, I tried working out at 11:oo PM. It was great, but at home, my mind was alive, sharp and ready to go. It took a lot to settle down, so not a good idea.

    Thanks for keeping us on track on this….and…have a very nice rest this evening!


  5. Sharon Watkins says:

    Like I told you in person recently, thank you so much for this important reminder of how important rest is to our busy lives! It sure has made me stop and think about what my priorities are and how I prepare and take the time I need for rest. Thank you for sharing. Sharon

    • Anne Collins says:

      thanks for taking the time to post. I know you are one busy lady, too. Proper rest makes it ALL go better, doesn’t it? So simple, but one thing we tend to ignore sometimes. Glad for the opportunities here and there to know you better.

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