“Why Do We Exist?”: Discovering Our Core Purpose

“Why Do We Exist?”: Discovering Our Core Purpose

I am a firm believer that we have a divine purpose, and we are not just here by accident. I never thought I would become Funeral Director, even though it has been a part of our family for generations. Actually most people assume this would be a likely path I would go down. Funny thing, I never saw it coming even though I enjoyed hospitality work from my earlier years with my first jobs being in restaurants  & hotels.

In 1989 I joined our family’s profession, I started at an entry-level position; washing cars, transferring those who have died into our care, driving the limousine, cleaning the funeral home, etc.  I did this for two years and I really enjoyed it but I had a different dream in me and I decided to pursue it.

I enlisted in the US Navy to become a Navy SEAL. This was one of the best experiences of my life AND one of the biggest disappointments all in the same breath. Needless to say I never became a Navy SEAL, I got close but couldn’t finish due to an injury. It took me years to let go of all my heartache of failing this goal. I recently saw the new movie, “Lone Survivor” – it is such a powerful film and it made me think over what my life would’ve been like had I become a SEAL. Standing where I am today, I feel like I can see clearly why I didn’t make it, I was meant for a different purpose: the purpose of helping families in their darkest hours.

Our company is about to embark on a journey to determine what our Core Purpose is as an organization. It’s going to be an interesting journey and I invite you to stay tuned.


Let me tell you a little bit about what a Core Purpose actually is:

A Core Purpose is our fundamental reason for being. A guideline that will influence every decision our company makes. It’s a pillar that supports our vision, creates clarity and keeps us focused on our mission.

If I was you I might be thinking “Wow, your company started in 1898 and you are just now defining your core purpose?”  Well, while our business is wrapped in a wonderful history, the people I work with are a very real part of our present and our future. Together, we’ve found reason to change the future of our profession and that means discovering together what our core purpose as an organization is. Our contemporary purpose is evolving and the way we see it, the purpose of yesterday’s funeral homes just aren’t meeting the needs of today’s families.

Beyond just my company having a core value, I believe I individually have a core purpose within my role as President & CEO. My purpose is to help create a healthy work environment where our organizational health is the top priority.

I cannot help but think about our work lives, we end up spending more time with our work families than we do with our own families. Day in and day out we can either, enjoy and support our coworkers or we can put up walls of fear. Have you ever worked at a place you hated? Have you ever felt better when you called in sick? If you’ve ever felt that way, I would guess it was because that work environment was been ruled by bad attitudes and bad behaviors. Who is to blame? Do we have to participate in a toxic work environment? No, we can shape our lives into what ever we want them to be.

Our management team has been going through the book, The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni, here’s one of the keys resonating with me right now:

“Within the context of making an organization healthy, alignment is about creating so much clarity that there is as little room as possible for confusion, disorder, and infighting to set in.”

With clarity comes accountability and, in a healthy work environ, accountability leads to vulnerability-based trust. This is what happens when members get to a point where they are completely comfortable being transparent and honest with one another. Where they can say and genuinely mean things like “Hey, I screwed up,” “Neil, I need help,” “Molly, your idea is WAY better than mine,” “Joe, I wish I could learn to do that as well as you do,” and even, “I’m sorry.”

At the heart of vulnerability lies the willingness of people to abandon their pride and their fear, to sacrifice their egos for the benefit of relationship and the collective good of their work family.

“How do we contribute to a better world?” (The Advantage)

The answer: Our Core Purpose.

So we’re going to find out what that purpose is and yes, we’ll share it with you once we’ve met together as a company and discovered together what our new purpose is. I’m so excited about this and I hope you are too!

 || what do YOU think?

So, my question to you is, for what core purpose do you exist?


If you’re a business owner or employee, what is the purpose of your organization?

Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Sharon Watkins says:

    Thank you for explaining this concept of core values. I am also a huge believer in establishing what an organization, a family or an individual feel are their core values that govern their lives. I’m excited for the O’Connor team and the bright future that lies ahead with all the positive changes that continue to drive this organization and work family. I’m sad to be leaving but look forward to seeing the growth when I return. Thank you Neil for your support and leadership. I’m happy you came into my life.
    Sincerely, Sharon

    • neil says:

      Hi Sharon –

      I am grateful that our lives have shared the same core purpose. I am excited for your future and I am sad that you are leaving too. I realize your mission is huge part of who you are and it calls you from a higher power that speaks to your core.
      I pray that you have a great adventure and your life keeps growing in an upward direction.

  2. Lauren says:

    Thank you for sharing this Neil!
    I am truly amazed how much time and effort the management team puts into the growth of the rest of the team. Your energy and creativity combined with your honesty creates a workplace that allows us to focus on our families and feel that we are making a difference in people’s lives. We can be stagnate and get locked into routine or continue to thrive and find ways that will better each other and ourselves. I’m excited to see what we all come up with!

  3. Patricia Kolstad says:

    I am so very fortunate to have been privileged to walk with you on this journey of greatness for our company. It has been quite an evolution for all of us. As I have said many times, I am so very proud of you and the leadership team, for all of the time, energy, training and support you have given all of us. The life lessons I have learned here have helped me to become a better woman, mother, sister, friend, and last but certainly not least, professional. I know there are other companies out there that are just as passionate about their employees, but none that I know of in our profession. You have taken us to another level, and invited all of us to be part of the process. That doesn’t always happen. Most often it is the “do as I say, not as I do” approach. This is such an exciting time and I’m so thankful that I am still here to watch our Next Gen team take us forward. Thank you for being an inspiration to me, for your friendship, mentorship, and your willingness to speak the truth. You are truly a testament to what vulnerability means. Your fearless approach to self awareness is refreshing!

    • neil says:

      Hi Pat –

      Thank you for your kinds words. I have told your story several times this past week. A great American story of what success looks like when someone lets their past not hold them back. You have given me hope to keep encouraging others to become the best they can become. I am thankful that we have become such great friends thru our profession.

      Love Always,

  4. Erin Fodor says:

    I feel as though I was brought to THIS company “O’Connor’s” for the core purpose of giving back and helping the family in there immense time of need. I feel because I
    have a first hand knowledge of what the family is feeling when they enter through our doors, that I can be a shoulder for them to rely on. My number one goal/purpose is to care for that family to the best of my abilities. I strive everyday to learn, the more knowledge I have, the better I can relate to the family. I can honestly say that I love my job with a passion and I look forward to every rewarding day.

    • neil says:

      Hi Erin –

      You are a great role model for all of us. You are proof that death can be a transformer and guide to us. I have been so moved by your actions & inspiration.
      You have been so instrumental in helping others heal their hearts. I can see the passion you bring everyday to our firm and community.

  5. neil says:

    Hi Diana –

    Thank you for your reply! Our journey will take us only as far as the team will allow. We all have to be willing to stretch our selves and get our of comfort zones to be able to make the company move forward. It takes 110% of every team member to completely commit to the process. We have to be willing to turn on a dime and say YES to each other and our client families in order to become the best of the best. A positive attitude and a willingness to support our team will make a better life for all to share. I am grateful that you are willing to be a team that is committed to putting others first. Let’s enjoy the time we have together.

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