“Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me”: 5 Things You Can Do To Bounce Back From The Blues

“Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me”

5 Things You Can Do To Bounce Back From The Blues

Something that may surprise those who interact with me on a daily basis is that I once suffered from debilitating depression.

I am not announcing this for shock value or to seek sympathy.  It is a fact that I went through a period about six years ago when there were days at a time I did not even get out of bed.

There were multiple factors that contributed to this dark period in my life.

I do believe that I am genetically prone to bouts of depression.  There is a history of depression on my father’s side of the family.  In fact, my father suffered a great deal with chronic depression.  I believe it is what ultimately contributed to his death.

The lifestyle I was living was not conducive to happiness either.  I isolated myself with a close “family” of friends who were extremely toxic.

I made poor choices and eventually decided to cut all ties with this group.  It was after this that I spiraled into my deep depression.  Quite frankly, at that time in my life I didn’t care if I lived.  If I continued down the path I was headed, I probably would not have.

I had some choices to make. Fortunately through prayer and my family, I got back on the right track.  A series of what I know now were God’s plans unfolded and led me to the happy life I lead today.

Plan #1 – My little cousins were visiting from Nevada and talked me into purchasing the first of my two dogs.  There is no way I was going to risk being uncool as an “aunt”.  I could not say “no” to the adorable white ball of fluff they held in front of me. Little did I know Max would be the first step in making me feel I had purpose and a reason to get out of bed each morning.

Plan#2– I began attending regularly and serving in multiple ministries at Saddleback Church. One of those ministries was the Motel Ministry.  We delivered food to those in need at motels in the Anaheim and Santa Ana areas. It did not escape me as we prayed for the residents that it easily could have been me on the receiving end of those prayers.

Plan#3– As mentioned in a couple of my previous posts, I was also led to serve in the Memorial Ministry. This is where I began to discover I had a heart for those going through grief. I had no idea what I wanted to do for work up until that point. My career purpose was being revealed to me.

Fast forward to the present and I am unbelievably happy.  Do I still have some bad days?  Of course!  I am human.  My mind can very easily wander to dark places and crave isolation.  Fortunately I can push past it the majority of the time.

So what do I do these days when I feel the “blues” coming on?  I have a series of steps that usually do the trick for me.  I call them the “5 Things You Can Do To Bounce Back From the Blues.”

1. Acknowledge I Am Feeling Depressed and Pinpoint the Reason – This could be as simple as it being cloudy outside and I am suffering the effects of seasonal depression.

2. Set a Time Limit for Allowing Myself To Wallow In It – I remind myself of where I have been and how much I prefer the alternative of living happily.

3. Blast My Favorite Music – During this time I choose something upbeat. Singing along and dancing also lifts my spirits.

4. Go For A Long Walk – There is nothing like the fresh air to make me feel better. The endorphins from the exercise also help my mood.

5. Enjoy a Favorite Meal– I guess you could call it comfort food.  I throw the diet out the window that day and go get whatever sounds good.  It is an extra bonus if it is a restaurant with an outdoor patio.

The purpose of this post is not to minimize the effects of those suffering with severe and chronic depression.  I am sure my suggestions sound ridiculous to those of you who are unable to pull yourself out of it without medication or by other means.  These are merely suggestions of what I continue to find helpful and what I hope might encourage others.

My depression was a journey I needed to go through in order to appreciate the gifts in each day of life.  Maybe you or someone you love is going through just such a journey.  The quote comes to mind, “it is always darkest before the dawn”. Once you have experienced the depths of darkness, you embrace the dawn more than you ever imagined possible.

That is the point where you find something to be grateful for in each and every day.

Have you experienced bouts of depression over your lifetime?

What activities help you return to a positive state of mind?

Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Patricia Kolstad says:

    Lori . .
    This is good stuff .. . . and hard stuff! I especially appreciated your 5 steps to “bounce back”. You are on your life’s journey, filled with great history to enable you to help others who are traveling a road that’s way too crooked. I’m very proud of you and the direction you are moving. It’s safe to say that you are right where you need to be . . with us!!!!
    I’m selfish that way.

    Love you dearly,
    Momma Pat

    • Lori says:


      I love that you are selfish like that! I believe my work family was all in God’s plan.
      I do not know what I would do without you guys!

      Love you!!

  2. Ethel,

    What a great post. So helpful and encouraging, at the same time. Just like you. I think the hardest part of experiencing depression, is recognizing it, and doing something. Sometimes it’s so hard, but with determination and strength we can get the help we need to get to the other side. All that you listed, food, outdoors, and exercise all contribute to a healthier heart and mind! Bravo Ethel, this is a home run!!


    • Lori says:

      Thank you for saying so!
      I am glad you found my suggestions helpful.
      There is something about getting outdoors that just makes me feel better.
      I can get home and think I’m too tired to walk the dogs very far. As soon as I’m out, I’m reenergized. It helps when I’m depressed too.
      My new favorite spot is Salt Creek Beach. If I’m down I will definitely be heading down there to take in all of the beauty.

      Love ya!

  3. Shayna Mallik says:

    Wow what an honest and great post. Thank you for sharing your ups and downs, and your hard times. You are such a strong and great person. I am so happy you shared your story and where you are today. You are inspirational. Love ya

  4. Amy says:

    Wow! I commend you for being so open and honest with your situation. Not very many people can accept what is personally going on in their life. You should be so proud of yourself for recognizing it, meeting it head on and over coming it. I believe we all suffer from depression at least once in our lives. With your 5 steps it will help others including myself walk a bit easier through it and come out of it better.

    • Lori says:

      As I mentioned to Neil, I didn’t realize our blog would turn into therapy for me.
      I know I learned a lot from the dark time I went through.
      I thought if others could benefit from my suggestions, it was worth opening myself up.
      Yes, I agree, we all go through depression from time to time. I find now the sooner I acknowledge it, the sooner I am able to pull myself out of it.

      Thank you!

  5. Lori says:

    Thank you so much Little Miss!
    I’m not sure about the inspiration part, but I do believe in sharing experiences that may help others.
    Thank you for making me smile each day that we work together. Your positive attitude is much appreciated.
    Love you!!

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