Are You Number One?

Are You Number One?

Are you Number One? Where do you fall on your list of priorities?

We all have busy lives, when we get up in the morning the clock starts ticking and the race is on! We are stretched in so many directions, and we have a hard time saying “no” when we are asked to do more. At the end of the day take a moment to ask yourself, “What did I do for myself today?” Chances are you probably didn’t even take the time to eat lunch which means you certainly did not stop to smell the roses. I used to live this way until I made a conscious effort to make myself number one.

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I knew that with a baby on the way this cycle had the potential to become more demanding than it already was. So, before my son was born I made a pact with myself:  I will put myself before others, even him. Now before you think that I am a selfish person, let me explain. If I put everybody and everything ahead of myself, then when will I take care of myself? Never! With a sound mind and strong body I am much more valuable as a father. Not to mention that I will be around longer to enjoy all that is in store for me as my son grows up.

I believe self care is one of the least taught lessons in life, and one of the most important gifts we can give ourselves and others, especially our children. The three areas that we can tap into to keep us healthy are our Mind, Body & Spirit.

  • Mind – “Mind over matter,” if you don’t mind, it don’t’ matter. I get inspiration from learning how others have overcome adversity, achieved athletic excellence or success in business. One of the most inspiring people I have come to love is Scott Rigsby; a guy who lost his legs but became an Iron Man.

**The Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson is also up on my list of fascinating and thought-provoking  reads that challenged and inspired me.

  • Body –If don’t take care of my physical body it will eventually catch up with me and I absolutely want to be around for years to come to play volleyball with my son. Sometimes a family walk with my 3 German Shepards is all it takes. When I want more of an adventure I go to Crossfit;  this has been a fun challenge to say the least.
  • Spirit –If I don’t feed my spirituality, I lose touch with God. For me taking time to meditate and practice yoga helps me stay in touch with God. It’s a given that God is the ultimate number one. God is omnipresent and there is only one of me. Putting myself first, even before my family is strengthening my spirit while creating a balanced life for my family.

We can only serve others well, when we serve ourselves well. This is clearer to me now more than ever since becoming a father. We either model healthy choices or we forge an uphill battle we will never win. And, you ultimately want to win. You’re Number One!

Ask yourself these 3 Questions:

How do you care for yourself?

Do you put yourself high or low on your priority list?

What can you do to put yourself at the top of the list?


Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Shayna Mallik says:

    Wow this post is so true. I myself am guilty of not always putting myself first, especially when it comes to helping my family out even when I do not really have the time. I am learning to just say no and take the time for myself. It is difficult but your blog has inspired me to continue to take the time for myself and be selfish. There are times when you need to be selfish and you need your time. Thank you for this blog!!!!


  2. Neil,

    Well said, you have to do it for yourself first or you cannot do it for others. Even God took a day to rest and recoup, so why shouldn’t we? The demands for your attention and time seem ten fold today compared to yesterday. So it is more important today then it was yesterday to care for self, not selfish, just smart.

  3. Kristen says:

    This is a concept I have tried to adopt for the last year or so, and I find the need for frequent reminders! It is so true that there is a very real power of presence when you have taken the time to nourish your body, mind, and soul. I nourish my body by running, yoga, and eating as simply and whole as I can. I nourish my mind when I can ponder over a good book (or blog!), play some cello, listen to one of my favorite radio shows, or indulge in a great conversation. I nourish my soul when I am in church, knitting, sampling some new music, or taking in a good French film! (no doubt, there are many more on my list!). Without fail, in this fast-paced culture, weeks or more may go by before I notice these things have fallen low on my cyclical to-do list. These are the times when I am most impatient, moody, distracted, and have difficulty sleeping. In other words, I am the least accessible to those who now occupy the top of my list. Perhaps we would find less hostility in the world today if we gave ourselves holistic “siestas” everyday. Thank you for the reminder, NP!

    • Neil says:

      Hi Kristen –

      Thank you for your reply. You have the concept down,…………….. in theory. You have a busy life to say the least!
      I like your idea of the “siestas” that is one of the best ways to care for your self. Make your self number ONE and everyone else will know it!

      Have a great day!

  4. Amy says:

    We all often lose sight of ourselves and are more worried about those around us. I am very guilty myself of always putting others first. It is a good reminder that you are no good to others if you yourself are not taken care of. I must now stop and smell the roses and think of me.

    • Neil says:

      Hi Amy –

      Thank you for your reply! We all lose sight of our selves in life. You can only be as good as you want to others, if you are good to your self. Our Culture tries to tell us to do ten things at once, and do them all faster and faster, we are not designed to work 7/24. I hope you have time to take care of your self and enjoy life as it was a gift given to us.

      Take Care,


  5. Krystal says:

    Hi Neil,

    Great post.

    As a culture who is work-obsessed (and has one of the worst work/life balances in the world) it’s important to remember that in order to be healthy, you need to enjoy yourself.

    I am an avid JIllian Michaels workout fan and in one of her videos she reminds us that “most people don’t show up in their own life…They go through life every single day without being focused on themselves.”

    It’s posts like these that make you stop and think about what you’re doing to improve your life everyday, and to never forget about you.

    • Hi Krystal

      Thank you for your reply. I am glad that you enjoyed the post. It seems like all our lives seem to get busier everyday. Our culture is not very user friendly to us, rest, relaxing, a recharging. I hope you can make time for your self and reflect on how you are really doing.

      Take care,

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