Tho Thi-Bich Nguyen

Tho Thi-Bich Nguyen

July 07, 1937 - November 17, 2010

Tho Thi-Bich Nguyen

July 07, 1937 - November 17, 2010


Mrs. Tho B. Nguyen, resident of Mission Viejo, passed away peacefully in her home on November 17th, 2010. A devoted family person, with a full life crowned by love and charitable works; she will be forever missed by family, relatives and friends she left behind.

Mrs. Nguyen was born on July 7th, 1937 to Nhan and Hien Nguyen in Viet Nam. She is survived by eight children: Giang Trinh, Hung Trinh and wife Diane, Vanessa Trinh-Quach and husband Le, Linh Trinh and wife Elizabeth, Lien Tran and husband Vincent, Hai Hatfield and husband Joe, Khai Trinh and wife Giao, Marc Trinh and wife Elizabeth. In addition, she had 17 grandchildren: Beatrice, Matthew, Brian, Austin, Nicholas, Katrina, Christopher, Alexandria, Cecilia, Katherine, Sean, Amanda, Ethan, Natalie, Jacob, David and Kaitlin. She is also survived by two sisters: Nguyen Thi Phuc and Nguyen Thi Ich in Vietnam.

Mrs. Nguyen was a homemaker and being of Vietnamese heritage was both the matriarch of the family and a wonderful cook. She loved trying out new recipes for her family during Saturday’s gatherings. At her table for whatever occasion, her children and grandchildren will miss the delectable experience of her delicious meals and her colorful conversations and stories. During her life she was strong and supportive of anyone who needed her, especially her family. She was an extremely generous person and made countless donations to charitable organizations and her sisters’ family in Vietnam.

Since became a widow of her late husband in November 1993, Mrs. Nguyen had many health challenges with chemotherapy, liver transplant where her family doctor and transplant team became a part of her extended family. She adapted graciously and grew facing these challenges. Her courage and perseverance to live well, to be as independent as possible and to maintain her social network was inspiring.

Please join us in prayer and let’s continue celebrating her life.

Eulogy at Funeral Mass
from Granddaughter, Amanda Lan-Thy Hatfield 8 years old.

Good morning,

My name is Amanda, the grand-daughter of my beloved grandmother here, Mrs. Tho Nguyen. I’m here to represent all my cousins, 17 of us Big and Small. Grandmother in Vietnamese is called B Ngoai, if you open the back of this prayer book, the acrostic of B Ngoai is:

B is for Beautiful person that’s why my grandfather married her
A is for Amazing gift from God to all of us

N is for Nicest person on earth
G is for Good hearted with great smiles
O is for Oh my gosh.. the BEST cook ever!
A is for Awsome job of raising our parents
I is for Inexhaustable energy of charity works

My grandmother is the best grandma, any kid can dream to have. She was warm and loving. Since Kindergarten, my brothers Sean and Ethan and I used to come to her house after school everyday. The door would be ready open for us to get in, and there were always our favorite snacks ready on the table. My brothers and I definitely will miss her boc buoi grapefruits, mango and b nh cam sesame balls; and a big glass of milk so we can be big and strong like Daddy. Many of you know: I’m a picky and slow eater; I will miss her reminders ‘Manda, an di’. Manda, finish your food. I will also miss speaking Vietnamese with her.

Not long ago, while Sean was away to Boy Scout camp, only Ethan and I were there with her at the time. I remember one day when she was sick, and in bed all day. Ethan and I were her servers, so everytime she needed something she would ring the bell ding ding ding. Then the bell rung, I came up, she said: Manda, lay sua cho B , Manda, please get me a glass of milk. I thought she reminded us to go drink milk after lunch, so we did. 5-10 minutes later, the bell rung again she asked the same thing: lay sua cho B . I said: Da B Yes, B then pour another glass of milk for Ethan and I. Then, the bell rung one more time oh my goodness, we both were so full, couldn’t drink any more if it was something to do with Milk again. When we got to her bed side, gently and slowly she asked for a glass of milk for herself, oh.. I.. see.. Da B , I said and understood her very well this time. Would you get upset, if you have to ask something, for so many times? My Grandma didn’t, she did not at all. See how wonderful she was?

The last few days were raining hard, but do you really believe that was raining? Uncle Dat said, those rain drops were tears from heaven from my Grandma and Grandpa watching us mourning of our loss, they wish to wipe our tears and hug us tight, but their bodies are not here to do that, so they send those tears of rain instead. I thought I cry my eyes out the last few days, but you can see it rain all day, all night for 2 days, the whole earth is wet with my grandparent’s tears. These tears will water my Grandma’s garden to bloom more flowers and blossom more love in our family. Look outside right now, what a beautiful day it is Daddy said that my grandma is shining down on us right now. With that, I’d like to show you some pictures about my B Ngoại, my beloved Grandmother. B , REST IN PEACE, I love you, you will always in my heart. Enjoy Heaven, send hugs and kisses to Grandpa and Pappa Ron for us. I LOVE YOU.

Austin Quach – 17 years old
College Application: Essay to University of California, Irvine

Describe the world you come from for example, your family, community or school and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

My aspiration is to become a doctor starting out at the University of California, Irvine UCI. Since I was three years old I have dreamt of becoming a medical physician. I had always questioned myself about my dream. At first when I was younger, it was like an instinct. My conscience just told me I had to become a doctor in life. As I got older, often my parents encouraged me to be open-minded and explore other future career paths such as business, engineering, or law. I have looked into all these options but it seems like nothing can override my dream of being in the medical field. I began to realize why I wanted to become a medical doctor through many experiences that I had in my family. I belong to a tight knit family. We often joked that we stick together like rice. We are all united by a single anchor in my family, my maternal grandmother.

My grandmother was a very loving and supportive person. She was always helping others even when her health was degrading. Despite her wonderful characteristics, she was frequently ill. Even under these circumstances, she still held her bold character. She was treated for many illnesses and diseases in her life and I could not believe how much she had to go through. Thankfully she was always carefully cared for by many dedicated physicians and staff members of UCI Medical Center. The people within the UCI Medical Center helped her survive.

When I was about seven years old, my grandmother was dying. Her liver was failing and everyone in my family was grieving that this was the end of her life. Fortunately, she received a new liver from an unknown donor. The medical staff at the UCI Medical Center skillfully carried out the liver transplant. After this experience, I was amazed at the staff and service that the UCI Medical Center had provided. UCI had given my grandmother a second chance in life. To save a person from the brink of death was inspiring to me and it fortified my reason to become a doctor.

On November 17, 2010, my grandmother peacefully passed away in her sleep. I am deeply saddened by her sudden death and it still is hard to grasp that she is no longer with us. However, through all the grieving, I realized that she would not have been with me for more than half of my life if it were not for the successful liver transplant. Through the miracle work performed by the UCI medical physicians, my grandmother was able to spend ten more wonderful years with us creating a lot of great memories. To help a person at that magnitude is simply miraculous.

UCI will be the primary university that I will be applying to. The university has produced a miracle in my family. Although it is very hard to cope with my grandmother s death at this time of thanksgiving, I would like to channel the sadness to a positive path. In dedication to my grandmother, I would like to become a medical physician and help others just as the good people at UCI Medical Center did for my beloved grandmother.

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102 responses to Tho Thi-Bich Nguyen

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  1. Nh”¡Â¼?n ┚¬â€˜®¡”¡Ãˆ£c tin bác gái m”¡Â¼Â´t mình thành th”¡Â¼?t chia bu”¡Ãˆ”n cùng Bích Liên và gia ┚¬â€˜ình c”¡Â¼Â¤u mong cho linh h”¡Ãˆ”n c”¡Ãˆ¤a bác ┚¬â€˜®¡”¡Ãˆ£c v”¡Ãˆ v”¡Ãˆ”ºi n®¡”¡Ãˆ”ºc chúa

    November 20 2010

  2. Lien thuong men,

    Nhi xin chia buon noi dau mat di nguoi Me yeu dau da cuu mang tat ca dan con ngoan truong thanh cho den ngay hom nay. Nhi se di le cau nguyen cho linh hon Anna va hiep thong cau nguyen suot thang cho Bac cung voi Me cua Nhi bang 1 chuoi hat man coi ma Nhi van lan hot moi dem truoc khi ngu. Hy vong voi chut long thanh va loi cau nguyen nho be cua Nhi xin Chua thuong giam nhe toi loi o moi nguoi con cua Chua ma thuong xot cho linh hon Anna som ve huong ton nhan nuoc Troi.

    Nhi thanh that chia buon cung Lien va gia dinh.


    TB: N rat la de khoc L a! N khoc cho ca Me cua L va cho ca Me cua N ngay khi N nhan duoc tin buon nay day.

    November 20, 2010

  3. Xin chia buon cung Bich Lien va gia dinh, va cau nguyen cho linh hon bac duoc ve voi Chua va me Maria.

    Tan & Vinh
    November 19, 2010

  4. Linh Chi says:

    Dear chi Lien,

    Em va anh Thien moi nghe tin me cua chi moi mat. Gia dinh em xin chia buon cung chi va tang quyen. Cau xin Thien Chua va Duc Me Maria cho linh hon me chi som duoc sieu thoat va duoc len Thien Dang.

    Chi va anh Thien

    November 19, 2010

  5. Oh Lien, I am sorry for the passing of your mom. She was a lovely lady, I still remember her gentle kindness when our UCI friends came and dine at your house. I will attend mass on Monday. She will be in my prayers.

    Take care.
    November 19, 2010

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