Gumersindo Andres Romero

Gumersindo Andres Romero

February 04, 1954 - June 19, 2010

Gumersindo Andres Romero

February 04, 1954 - June 19, 2010


Gumersindo Andres Romero lives in , passed away at the age of 56.
Born on February 04, 1954 and passed away on June 19, 2010.

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30 responses to Gumersindo Andres Romero

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  1. My condolences for your loss. Prayers for peace to you all in these sad times. With all my Love.

  2. Peggy Howard says:

    I am so sorry Ginger. I remember Gomer’s great smile and greater laugh! Our love and prayers to you and the boys.
    Mike and Peggy

  3. Words are not enough to express my sympathies for your loss but want you to know my prayers are with you and your boys.

  4. Cindy Wilman says:

    My condolences I send to you Ginger,Ty,& Keith, from the depths of my heart. Gomer was God’s “Special Man” who touched many lives in this world, mine was one of them. May Gomer’s memory continue to touch lives Always! My Love I send to you Ginger & Boys! may God Bless You with Peace & Understanding…as you walk through this process. My prayers are with You…Glory Be to God!!!

  5. James Lerma says:

    My condolences to Ginger and the family. Gomer is a very special brother in my life and I know we will all be together again ‘in Jesus Christ’ in the very near future. May God’s comfort be upon you at this time.

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