Diane Florence McKnight
November 26, 1944 - May 15, 2005
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Diane Florence McKnight
November 26, 1944 - May 15, 2005
Diane Florence McKnight, 60 was born November 26, 1944 in Upstate New York and passed away May 15, 2005 in Oceanside, California. Diane is survived by her daughter, Nathalie E. McKnight; son, Sean A. McKnight; mother, Julia Curro; sisters, Sandra Armstrong and Rhonda Walker; brother, James Curro and granddaughters, Kelly McKnight and Julia McKnight.
3 responses to Diane Florence McKnight
Anonymous says:
June 2, 2005
Of the many relationships in a woman’s life the bond between sisters is truly unique. We are emotionally glued together from being raised under the same roof and experiencing the same day-to-day activities and having many of the same childhood memories. Sister’s in some ways validate our history. Their closeness defines not only the meaning of family but also the meaning of friendships. Our childhoods are entwined with our day-to-day experiences of growing up in the same home.
My earliest memories of my sister Diane are when we would visit our Grandparent’s farm. We both loved the farm and couldn’t wait for our Grandfather to drive into the city on Friday night for our weekend visit. Summers meant roasting hot dogs over a campfire, walks in the woods, picking fresh vegetables from our grandparent’s garden and sleeping on the sun porch. Winters we would spend building igloos and snowmen, begging our Uncle to pull our sleds with his tractor, and playing dominos with our Grandfather. She so loved the farm and the special times we spent there as children, as I do also.
Having an older sister meant that I always had someone with more experience and knowledge to answer questions for me and someone to have “girl conversations” with. As a teenager especially this was invaluable. She introduced me to rock and roll, organized my first blind date, and took me to Height Ashbury in the 60’s.
When Diane married and moved to Northern California we would spend hours on the phone talking into the wee hours of the night. We never ran out of topics to discuss. We finally realized it would be less expensive for me to fly to San Jose and visit, which I did as often as possible.
Diane was a special sister and person in so many ways. I remember admiring her so as a child, looking up to my big sister as someone so sophisticated and beautiful Her hair was always perfectly styled; her makeup applied to perfection, and of course her beautiful taste in clothes. Nobody had Diane’s style, and nobody ever will. I remember she auditioned to be a mermaid at Disneyland, a beautiful mermaid who unfortunately couldn’t swim well enough.
She was also a practical joker. She brought fun and laughter to our household playing silly jokes such as the nail through the finger or the fly in the ice cube. She was the joke store’s best customer.
Diane was artistic and painted and drew some incredible art. I was always awed by her ability to transform a white piece of paper into something beautiful. One picture in particular stands out to me. It is of three Christmas carolers with knitted stocking caps holding a song book. Although she was always critical of her own art, she truly was talented.
At an early age Diane’s affection for animals was evident. On my Grandparent’s farm there was an abundance of them: goats, ducks, a horse, chickens etc. We played with them all. I remember at an early age Diane walking through the house with our cat Mitty snuggled on her neck. When she moved to the woodsy Los Gatos area she was delighted with the surrounding wildlife; raccoons, owls, and deer. Years ago when her cat had kittens she couldn’t bear to be parted from them, so she kept the entire litter!
When Diane moved back to Southern California last May I realized she had been living apart from us for nearly 40 years. We were all so happy to have her close to us again. The times we spent together the last year will always be so special. Fortunately, we were able to spend birthdays, holidays, and many weekends together. The family together, the three sisters together, Rhonda, Diane and myself.
Overall, I have over a half century of memories of Diane. Of course it never is enough. A sister is someone who is irreplaceable. Who else can remember the time you bathed in the aluminum tub together in the backyard, watched the yellow butterfly land on our finger tips, or climbed through the farm’s old corn crib? Our memories, hearts, and souls are entwined forever. Though she is gone physically we are still bound, still connected, still a part of
Uncle Pat & Aunt Luna says:
June 4, 2005
So sorry we were unable to be with you during this difficult time. I remember baby sitting Diana when she was an infant & there after as a child. All my friends commented on her beauty & long blond curls. She was truly a beautiful child & adult in many ways.
Son, says:
March 4, 2019
How to start, i am at awww, my life today at its best is dud to and becuase of my mother and father. My mother is and wi.l always be my shinnig lignt and my WWMD…or what would jesus do. Moms spirit is always with me and her spirit is always around me, guiding me….
Wishing for the best and wishes to all who shared my moms life and greatful for all who continues to keep her spirit as close as i do….
I always have so many beautiful stories for moms grand babies, her granddaughters, these days being older and wiser those stories and vidied memories visit more and more…
Im honered to have been loved by both my mother and father and wish the worlds mothers and fathers greater love to all children doubling every year..
Son of an Angle and Knight….