Brindusa Ahmadi
July 18, 1967 - September 01, 2018
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Brindusa Ahmadi
July 18, 1967 - September 01, 2018
Brindusa Ahmadi lives in , passed away at the age of 51.
Born on July 18, 1967 and passed away on September 01, 2018.
Funeral Service
- Date & Time: September 29, 2018 (10:00 AM)
- Venue: Saddleback Church
- Location: 1 Saddleback Parkway Lake Forest, CA 92630 - (Get Directions)
- Phone Number: (949) 609-8000
8 responses to Brindusa Ahmadi
simona monica mosteanu says:
September 22, 2018
We are all still in shock. The so early disappearance of Brindusa left all of us without any words and heartbroken. I hope you will be in the highest level of the sky Brandy. Amin
Oana Costachescu says:
September 30, 2018
She was my friend since teenage days, so all happy memories of crazy laughs, parties, and long talks have her in them. I will miss her so, so much! we talked endlessly about everything, she was so funny, she was my oldest and best friend. It is so hard to imagine not having her wise, fearless opinions in my life… rest in peace my sweet, and I hope you know how much I loved you. Farewell
adrian sirbu says:
October 30, 2018
brandy,you shall always be remembered !
rest in peace,dear friend.