The Latte that Changed My Thanksgiving

The Latte that Changed My Thanksgiving

I was with my daughter a couple of weeks ago, driving my 3 Grandchildren to school.

On the way I asked if we could stop at Starbucks and get a Latte. We had a few extra minutes, so she got in the drive-thru line and waited while each car placed their order.  When we reached the window the young man said, “the car ahead of you paid for your latte.”  With jaws dropped, we looked at each other. Really? This had never happened to either of us and that simple gesture gave us an “Aha” moment.  As we drove away, I said to my daughter, “You’ll have to go back and do the same thing.”  “I will mom, I promise.“ Later that day she stopped at the same Starbucks and she, in turn, paid for the car behind.  When she got back to the house the first thing she said was, “Mom, it felt so great to do that.” I was so proud of her & and the reward she felt from giving. She gave anonymously, knowing the person couldn’t pay her back. I’ve found that giving like that creates a “heart opening” experience for the giver.

For the past several years I have had the opportunity to watch friends, fellow team members at O’Connor’s, and colleagues, show just how big their hearts are by being great examples of selfless giving. Carrie, one of our outstanding Funeral Directors & her story in particular come to mind. If you remember a couple of blogs back Carrie shared about how she gave all of us at work the opportunity to donate clothing, linens, food, water and a myriad of other essentials to a family who lost their home in the Silver Fire. I was able to donate some things and I loved the feeling I got by giving back. Believe me, there’s nothing like it!

My point is this: Thanksgiving is a time when families gather and give thanks for the blessings they have been given throughout the year: a new job, restored health, a home, a burden lifted or a second chance. But as I ponder the word Thanksgiving, I see an opportunity for a different meaning; one that can sooth a lonely soul, comfort the weary, feed the hungry and bring worth back to a broken spirit. If you take the word “Thanksgiving” at face value, you can make such a huge difference in the lives of others!  And the gift of giving and receiving is two-fold.


If you would like to share this feeling of giving with me, I invite you to pick just one of the very worthy & local causes below to GIVE to.

A new unwrapped toy for an underprivileged child, a coat you haven’t worn in ages, or food and clothing to supply our local food bank. They would all make a significant difference in the lives of those who have extreme needs.

Coat Drive for Welcome Inn – O’Connor Mortuary is officially sponsoring a coat drive for this wonderful & local volunteer organization. Coats of any size can be brought to our Laguna Hills location and dropped off with our lovely receptionist, Diana. Click here to learn more.

South County Outreach – You can donate food, clothing or time to this wonderful organization.

Orange County Fire AuthoritySparks of Love” – A toy drive benefiting under-privileged children. Every fire station in Orange County is a drop-off location & they ask that the toys be new and unwrapped.

Age Well Senior Services“Meals on Wheels”. – $25 will give a senior 25 meals.

I’d love to here about your experiences in giving back.

Please share a time below in the comments section, or let us know if you plan on becoming a benefactor to one of our drives or any other non-profit that you’ve chosen to support.

Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Patricia Kolstad says:

    Thanks so much, Tom.
    You are so on point with your remarks. We do live in a world of “I deserve everything and more!” Giving for the joy of giving is an something each and everyone of us should experience.
    Blessings to you and your family,

  2. Patricia Kolstad says:

    Carrie . . thank you!
    You were the first person I thought of when I began writing, for you gave us all a chance to be part of a bigger picture by donating to the Anderson’s. It was great to have a chance to chat with you the other day and get an update on how they are doing. It was special to hear they are moving on with their lives and have a home. And I love the fact that it “feels weird when you don GIVE!” I want all of us to have that mindset. We are a blessed people, and we should be offering up our surplus to those who need it most.
    Thank you for your selfless giving. You are a great example of the joy that can be found!

  3. Patricia Kolstad says:

    Lisa . . I have felt like part of this family forever, and I thank you so much for that loving comment. When we all work as one for the better good, things happen! Thanks so much for donating! It will mean the difference between cold and comfort. Blessings to your sweet family!

  4. Kristen says:

    Hi Mom. That day was awesome! That feeling warmed me up inside more than my soy latte! I think it is so important to slow the pace, especially during the holidays, and create time to give back. We have created a gift bag as a family for the last couple of years to donate to our church’s “Gifts to the Manger”. The goodies benefit the Downtown Associated Youth Services in Long Beach which sill supply needy families in the downtown area with meals and gifts for their children during the holidays. Thanks for the list of other local charities. This is the giving season and when you jump on board it just feels so good! Love you. Kristen

    • Patricia Kolstad says:

      Thank you Daughter!
      What an experience for both of us. Even though I have given to many non-profits, causes and individuals, I had never experienced someone doing that, in turn, to me (you). Thank you for teaching my grandchildren the meaning of giving to those who have little. You will raise kids with awareness and compassion. And isn’t that what “giving” is all about? Next time I’m down to visit, let’s do that again!
      I love you!

  5. Patricia Kolstad says:

    Amen Mark!
    I like the way you think. And you are absolutely correct. Should we not give so that other’s can know joy? I appreciate your words and we are a blessed people. But even more so, as we give.Blessings to you and yours.

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