Journey Mercies . . . I BELIEVE in Christmas

Journey Mercies . . . I BELIEVE in Christmas

Journey Mercies . . . I BELIEVE in Christmas

Just when the air turns colder and the days shrink into darkness, the Christmas season arrives.  It begins at Thanksgiving – with families, feast and football.  Then, during the next few weeks we shop and decorate, worship and become transformed into people most of us weren’t weeks before.  Our hearts become warm in the winter cold.  We miraculously find compassion for strangers, and we believe and remember there are and should be Christmas miracles.

What is it about this holiday wonderment that causes even the crankiest of people to find a small sliver of kindness?  Where does the desire to be kind evolve?  Are we “acting” kind or is our kindness really genuine?  And why does this happen during Christmas, and not all year long?  This question begs for an answer.  Here are my thoughts:

I BELIEVE in Christmas and the reason we celebrate. I believe in the precious Gift that was given through the lowly birth of the Christ child more than 2000 years ago.

And, I believe that all humans have, deep in their souls, the desire to love and be loved and to give and receive kindness.

What is so amazing to me about Christmas is the transformation that occurs in our hearts.  We think back to the days of our own childhood and how we BELIEVED in Santa and his Elves.  How we struggled to imagine how Santa could ever bring gifts to our house when we didn’t even have a chimney.  But it didn’t matter if you had a chimney or not . . . .the gifts were always there.

I remember one Christmas very well. I couldn’t have been more than 6 years old . . .


“The Christmas Tree”, Henry Mosler (1916)


I remember laying in bed for what seemed like an eternity, eyes wide open, ears on high alert, waiting to hear . . . what?  The sound of hoof’s on the roof or the noise the bells made as Santa encouraged those 8 flying reindeer, whose names we knew better than our own, to land. At one point I did hear something. Was it Santa?  Of course it was, it had to be!  I can remember my heart beating out of my chest.  I don’t know if I was scared that I would see him, or if I was so excited that he could actually be here.  It didn’t matter, because the next thing I knew it was Christmas morning and under our tree was a stuffed rag doll of my very own.  He HAD been there!

And I BELIEVED for another year.

I don’t remember when I stopped believing in Santa but I’ve never stopped believing in Christmas.

As I watched the magic happen with my own 4 children, it brought back the wonder I had known so many years before.  I couldn’t wait to see their faces.  And now with my 9 wonderful grandchildren, I have watched it yet again.  It made me realize that, as many years as we have, the magic of Christmas will always be seen through the eyes of a child.  Any child.

On September 21, 1897, eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of the New York Sun to ask the question “Is there a Santa Claus?”  Newsman Francis Pharcellus wrote the now famous editorial and in one of the paragraphs he states:

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would the world be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be quite extinguished.”

I BELIEVE in Christmas.  And here is what makes believing so real for me. Christmas brings to all of us a deeper sense of our true selves.  None of us are born into this world filled with hatred or unkindness for our fellow man. This is what I know to be true, that during the Christmas season, people reach deep down into their souls and feel the need to show more love and kindness. At no other time of the year do we find more compassion for others than at Christmas.  Will we still have the “Uncle Scrooge’s?” Of course we will, but if you remember the old story, The Christmas Carol,” cold-hearted Ebenezer gradually becomes a champion to the poor. He BELIEVED and found his true self.

I BELIEVE in Christmas and as surely as Christmas rolls around, I believe that the fruits of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, goodness, patience and self-control, will play out in a most significant way.  I need to be purposeful in my intentions to be as close to those attributes as I can.  The choice is mine.

I love this quote by Oren Arnold who offers the following gift suggestions:

“To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.”

Here are a few suggestions on how you can share your gifts with others:

•  Sparks of Love – new toy drop off at any local Orange County fire station.

•  One Warm Coat – We are proud to be a drop-off location for “One Warm Coat” at O’Connor Mortuary. Bring your clean, lightly worn coats to our Laguna Hills location for donation to a local charity that helps victims of abuse and violence.

•  Next Meal Club Age Well Senior Services bringing hot meals to our Aging Senior   Population.

•  South County Outreach Preventing Hunger and Homelessness . . Helping People Help themselves.

What are your memories of Christmas and what does this holiday mean to you? 

Closing with a favorite memory from years ago, two of my children and my first-born grandson.

I call it, Waiting for Santa . . .

May Your Christmas be full of family & joy!

Merry Christmas!!

Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Lori says:

    Wow!! I love the picture!! Is that Kori or Kristen with Bruce and Michael? That picture says it all. Pure innocence and wonder of children is a precious thing!

    As you described the night before Santa came and left behind your rag doll, I was transformed back to Christmas Eve when I was ten years old. The waiting, wondering if he was coming, inability to sleep, awareness of each noise, these are all memories that are common to so many of us. That was the year Santa brought the bicycle I had been begging for all year.
    I love this time of year as well. People actually smile and talk to each other. We hold doors open for those behind us. All of the basic polite gestures most of us automatically do are heightened in the Christmas season.
    I also appreciate your suggestions for serving those who are less fortunate. Nothing makes your heart feel warmer than giving, especially to those who are in need.

    Love you,

    • Patricia Kolstad says:

      Merry Christmas #4

      The picture is Kristen and Bruce and of course, Michael. I love this picture. It captures the essence of what I believe Christmas is for kids. The wonder and anticipation of the Jolly old Soul we call Santa. Doesn’t it just make you smile?

      You are right about Christmas . . . it does cause us to stop and be kind. I like the words to the Christmas song that Elvis made popular. The chorus says: “Oh why can’t everyday be like Christmas? Why can’t this feeling go on endlessly? For if everyday could be just like Christmas, What a wonderful world this would be!”
      Don’t you agree.

      Hopefully those who read the blog will be encouraged to give a little something to those who are less fortunate. It’s as simple as canned food or dry goods, or a warm coat. We can all do our part to help others. Not just at Christmas . . but everyday.

      Love to you,

      Momma Pat

  2. Cathi Hartwell says:

    Thanks for making me smile!

    • Patricia Kolstad says:

      Hi Cathi:

      I hope bringing a smile to your face also brought to you memories of Christmas holidays. It’s fun remembering times from years past.

      Merry Christmas!


  3. Auntie Pat,
    Remembering Christmas morning and especially the night leading up to it are some of my favorite memories. My brother and I would sleep in the same room and wake up at least a dozen times to check the time and be devastated that only 20 or so minutes had passed. But what fun when 6 am finally rolled around and we could wake up our parents and go find all the magical toys & presents waiting for us!
    I love these memories because they are so rich with relationships, love, tradition and joy. That is what Christmas symbolizes for me and I think that is beautiful. The fact that a holiday can be that special to you from the beginning is such a treasure. Of course it’s a bit harder now to feel that childhood mystery and wonder over what is under the tree but the real joy for me now is seeing the faces of my family open up presents I’ve specifically chosen for them.

    Thank you for the opportunity to re-visit these memories and share them here. Your Christmas stories sound like treasures, thank you for sharing those with us too!


    • Patricia Kolstad says:

      Hi Molly:

      Remembering is one of the greatest give we have, not only for ourselves, but to share with our family as well. As we age, memories are what bring us back to our younger days when the anticipation of the “jolly old Elf” make our hearts beat anew. Someday you will look back again with wonder and surprise as you share more memories with your family.

      This has been one of the greatest joys for me. Sharing just a very small portion of my memories took me to places and feelings that I hadn’t experienced for a very long time. This has been so enjoyable. Thank you for letting me peek back to your younger days.

      PS: I remember well you being at my home and sharing the Christmas Story, presents and celebrating Jesus’ birth. Those were so special for me. Hope they were for you!

      Merry Christmas!

      Aunt Pat

  4. kari Leslie says:

    Wow Mom!!

    This is so great, and not just cause you used my baby’s picture!! Ha Ha! You know how much I LOVE this time of year, and you’ve captured it so truthfully. Just last night I was reading about the fruits of the Spirit, and the words the author used were so poignant. Now I know God is speaking to me, because of what you wrote. Two authors in 24 hours, this definitely requires my attention. LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS and SELF CONTROL, they fit so well into the Christmas Spirit. I love when God brings things to us, if we only pay attention, the lessons and or blessings can be immense. I’m feeling all toasty inside!! Really loved the quote by Oren Arnold!! It would make a great Christmas card.
    Love you Momma!

    • Patricia Kolstad says:

      Hello darling daughter:

      I remember so much about you and our family and how much fun we would have a Christmas time. I loved this picture of Kristen, Michael Boy, and Bruce. I was hoping that it would fit my blog post.

      It’s interesting that you are studying the fruits of the Spirit. I have always believed that these 7 “gifts” are made just for us, to help us become all that the Lord wants us to be.

      Now that you have taken the reins and have become the Christmas House, it will be so wonderful to spend Christmas with our whole family at your home. Full of love and the spirit of ” I BELIEVE”.



  5. Shayna Mallik says:

    Momma Pat,
    Once again amazing blog!!! I love strolling down memory lane with you! You are filled with so many stories and I am so thankful I am here to here your amazing storied. I like you believe in the Christmas Miracle. Thank you for sharing your story again!!! Love you Momma Pat!


    • Patricia Kolstad says:

      Hi Shayna:
      Christmas is that time of year where we all get the chance to do something really great for someone else without needing a thank-you. Christmas miracles come to us everyday . . we just need to look for them, and, pay them forward!


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