For a person in grief, there are almost no two sweeter words than, “I remember …”
Those two words begin stories, spark memories, open old joys, and bring feelings back to us with blazing clarity.
On a day like today I wondered, what would I write for this mortuary blog? what is there to say still about this infamous, monumental, and mournful day? And the only thing that came back to me was this: I remember.
I grieve 9/11 each year. Last week I felt a nausea settle over me as I thought of the day’s events and anticipated it’s coming. We are, so many of us, grieving together today as Americans and as people; people who will never forget the tragedy that unfolded that morning. We connect to each other and to something greater than ourselves on this anniversary when we come together to remember.
And so I encourage you today, to share this image below if you don’t know what else to do.
Join me in remembering this day.
“I just remember looking up and thinking, ‘How bad is it up there that the better option is to jump?’”
New York Fireman
Sept. 11, 2001
“If anyone can hear me, make some noise and we’ll come help you.”
New York Rescuer
Sept. 11, 2001
“We are breathing the dead,
taking them into our lungs
as living we had taken them
into our arms.”
Hettie Jones
New York City
Sept. 11, 2001
“A great people has been moved to defend a great nation.”
President George W. Bush
Sept. 11, 2001
“We have met the worst of humanity with the best of humanity.”
Rudolph Giuliani
Mayor of New York
Sept. 11, 2001
Hi Molly,
I remember that morning like it was yesterday; I think it will be seared into our minds for the rest of our lives. The day that changed the world as we knew it. Our boys weren’t born when this happened yet they too, know the devastation, pain, and grief that the terrorists brought upon too many.
We all remember and grieve both the loss of lives and the way our world used to be. Thank you for sharing.
You’re so right Becky. I so admire your intentional efforts to tell the story to the next generation and bring the reality of what happened to their lives. It’s a job we have all been charged with as Americans – thank you for taking it on.
I’ll never forget that morning. Just a year after my dad died, and thinking about all the children who lost a parent, still gives me goosebumps! It’s a day that’s engrained in our heads forever . My heart will always break for the poor families that lost a dear one.
We all bring our own lenses to these tragedies and yours is so important. I’ve seen so many interviews of bereaved spouses with children who didn’t know how to process what had happened much less explain it to their children. I remember one in particular where the husband died in one of the buildings and had time to say goodbye to his wife. She found out a short time later that she was pregnant. Can you imagine? What a gift and what a heartbreak all at once. That’s what your lens is as well, a tragedy and a blessing because of the compassion it gives you for others.
Thank you for sharing,
You and I are the generation of children approaching adulthood who witnessed these things on television and struggled to process or understand what happened. I believe it is going to fall on our generation (being the youngest to witness these attacks) to continue the stories and keep the memories alive.
I love hearing your story, it’s so close to my own and it’s so important to continue to tell.
Thank you for sharing,
It’s all about that connection – if we forget our past, I think our future will be doomed. We have to remember, whether that’s done on our own at home or seeking out community gatherings, we all have an innate need to remember and we are so much better for it.