Have You Knocked At Every Door?

Have You Knocked At Every Door?

Have You Knocked At Every Door?

I’m reading Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. Do you ever begin a book & realize you were destined to read it at just this time in life? That’s how Les Mis feels.

Yes, it’s a huge, thick book but I like those the best. It’s like meeting a new friend & having lots and lots of long talks. The right book can become a beautiful relationship & I already know just 1/4th of the way through Les Mis that this is going to be a life-long companion of mine.

The pages of this book have resonated with me tremendously over the past few weeks. Parts of my life feel out of control & I’ve begun to experience moments of hopelessness. I’m sure many of you have experienced hopelessness in some way, whether it be financially, relationally, or spiritually.

You know the verse, “knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matt. 7:7)? Well, it hasn’t seemed like that to me lately. I’ve been knocking & nothing has happened.

But then I read this passage in Les Mis; Jean Valjean (the protagonist) is homeless, an ex-convict, and has been turned away from every inn and public house in the  little town of Digne. He lays down on a bench outside of a church when an older woman comes out and asks about his story. He tells her there is no place for him in the whole town.

She asks:

The door she is referring to? The open, unlocked door of the old & faithful Bishop of Digne who welcomes him in, feeds him & gives Jean Valjean the first clean bed & set of sheets he has had in 19 years.

I began to realize from this passage that it’s not that the doors aren’t opening, it’s that I think I have been knocking in the wrong place.

More specifically (and personally), I’ve been seeking my own solutions to problems instead of turning to the Lord, asking him for direction & knocking on His door first before I waste my time at others.

I want to encourage you to not feel hopeless, to not feel as though you’ve knocked on every door because you haven’t, there’s always one more door and I want you to “knock there.”

P.s.   Most of you have probably heard of Les Misérables in the context of the stunning broadway musical. Well guess what? They’re making the musical into a film full of unbelievable casting & it’s coming out December 14th. I cannot wait!

Check out the trailer HERE (& maybe grab a few tissues!).

Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. mk says:

    Wow. You have the unique gift of hearing from God through the timeless characters of classic fiction! (Is that a spiritual gift? I think so.) I was explaining your ability to DJ and how I can read the same book and not get the poignant “punched-in’the-gut” revelations that you do. Thanks for shining the light on my soul again through your personal vulnerability and brilliant insights.

    • MollyKeating says:

      Thank you so much mk! I love that you find value in some of these insights. I feel so blessed with my love of reading and the powerful moments I have as I read through. Thank you for your encouraging & uplifting words, they mean so much to me! Have a blessed day!

  2. Neil O’Connor says:

    Molly – Some doors will never open and that is the way the it is meant to be, yet when one door closes or doesn’t open another door will open.

    • MollyKeating says:

      So true – I think some of us wait and wait and miss opportunities behind other doors because we’re stuck at one that we’re hoping will open but never will. We have to be flexible in this life, to “roll with the punches,” and have the courage to knock on other doors even if they don’t look appealing or won’t lead to the place you’d imagined. Thanks for your response Neil!

  3. Sharon Watkins says:

    Hi Molly

    I too read Les Miserables many years ago and hardly wanted to sleep until I finished it (and you’re right – it is a VERY LONG book) but one that was life changing for me. I have seen the play numerous times and have seen every movie version so far. I went and watched the trailer for the musical version coming up and now I CAN HARDLY WAIT!!! The music is almost as inspiring as the message. Thank you for reminding me how books can take us to places we personally need to go and I agree that sometimes they come into our life when we need the message the most.

    I love your posts and appreciate the reminder of how turning to God in all things and at all times is the ultimate best direction to turn. Life has shown me that His way and direction is ALWAYS a better way – even if it is a harder way.

    Thank you sweet Molly,
    May God continue to bless you.

    • mollykeating says:

      Wow, thank you so much Sharon! I didn’t know I had a fellow Les Mis fan in you! yay!

      Thank you so much for your kind, kind words & the wisdom you shared. It’s much easier to walk the harder path when there are others along side you that can encourage & understand instead of criticize.
      Thanks again for your sweet message to me. I can’t wait to swap impressions over the new movie with you!

    • MollyKeating says:

      Wow, thank you so much Sharon! I didn’t know I had a fellow Les Mis fan in you! yay!

      Thank you so much for your kind, kind words & the wisdom you
      shared. It’s much easier to walk the harder path when there are others
      along side you that can encourage & understand instead of criticize.

      Thanks again for your sweet message to me. I can’t wait to swap impressions over the new movie with you!

  4. Anne says:

    Molly, I remember when you started the book and shared with me that I might like to read it as well. I have not started, but I relate to the reading of long books. When one is really good, I mourn the last few pages because I don’t want to leave it.
    I too, am experiencing knocking, but not hearing the answers. I know I am knocking on the right door, but need patience until the answer becomes clear. Ughh!
    Wonderful blog!

    • Molly says:

      Thank you so much Anne!
      It’s so difficult to knock and not feel heard. I have some sense of what you’re going through though my greatest trouble has been finding the door. I’m grateful for a friend like you who feels as I do, sees as I see, and knocks with her heart open to Jesus. Thank you for the example and blessing you are!

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