Halloween Past & Present: From the 70’s to Today

Halloween Past & Present: From the 70’s to Today

Halloween Past & Present- by Carrie Bayer

It’s the time of year where the ghosts & goblins come out. Pumpkins, black cats, styrofoam tomb stones & cottony spider webs adorn the neighborhood in anticipation of trick-or-treating. I love this time of year!

When I was a kid, my dad would put our dog on a leash & take us kids around the neighborhood to get our fill of candy. There were tons of other families out & about- it was a great night for neighbors to admire the kids’ costumes, visit & get to know each other better. It was a great sense of community, though I was too young to know what that meant. I don’t really remember what I dressed up as when I was young but I’m sure I looked fantastic – as every kid should.

When Halloween fell on a Sunday, dad would drive us to our church members’ homes the night before so we could still trick-or-treat but not on the Sabbath. A few times, we knocked on the wrong door & the residents would tell us we were too early, come back tomorrow- we would walk away very embarrassed while dad just laughed to himself.

Then in the late ’70s, kids were getting hurt by biting into candy, popcorn balls & candied apples loaded with razor blades & needles– that changed Halloween traditions forever. Gone are the nights of carefree door knocking. Kids can no longer eat their loot before mom & dad inspect every piece. To me, innocence was lost. At the time, I was OK with it because I was getting too old to trick-or-treat. But I felt bad for my little sister & her friends because it just wasn’t as fun anymore.

During the ’80s, trick-or-treating in my neighborhood was guarded. Parents came to the door with the kids instead of watching from the sidewalk. They would look at the treats before allowing their kids to accept them. They would look you over, take note of your address & what you gave – they were going to come back with the cops if they suspected you of wrongdoing. But then things began to change in an amazing way.

Communities, schools & churches began hosting Trunk-Or-Treat events where families gathered in parking lots with the trunk of their car filed with goodies. The kids would go car-to-car under the watchful eye of community & church leaders. People felt safe & the sense of community was restored- how wonderful! Then malls started having similar events, stores giving away treats, an indoor pumpkin patch, even hayrides thru the corridors! It’s so funny to see a horse pulling a cart in front of Nordstrom …

In Huntington Beach, I live in a gated community & never have kids knock on my door. It made me sad at first so I would go out on the sidewalk with my bowl of candy, giving handfuls to the few kids who walked by. But where were the rest of the kids? Surely there’s got to be more than 10 kids in my neighborhood! Then I learned about the downtown festivities.

HB does an amazing job getting its residents together on Main Street, especially on Halloween. Imagine a Halloween themed carnival within walking distance from home. Bobbing for apples, pumpkin carving & costume contests, rides, games, music, food, petting zoos- everything you could ever want for your kids on the most fun night of the year. Many stores hand out candy but some give toys, school supplies, hair accessories for girls, mini footballs for boys.

Things sure have changed since I was a kid & I’m so glad they have! Once again, families can go out on Halloween night & feel safe. They can have tons of fun, see friends & neighbors while still getting their fill on treats. Things have come full circle & then some!

What are some of your favorite Halloween memories? What are your most enjoyable traditions? And what was your best costume ever? I can’t wait to hear from you!

Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Carrie,

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I to remember those scary tampered with candy moments growing up, but mostly I remember the utter joy of getting to be someone else for just a moment. My classic was when i dressed up as a girl/grandma as a 10 year old boy. I had blown up balloons to create… well you know. I had to defend myself and the honor of all girls all night long. Everybody wanted a piece! As I got older the trick or treat starting turning into more trick then treat. Pumpkin rolling, shaving cream, water balloons, eggs and even a fire extinguisher incident one year. All in good fun of course. Boo!


  2. Carrie Bayer says:

    Chuck, you made me laugh out loud! So now you know what us ladies go thru on a daily basis, huh? I can just picture you running away from the boys, screaming like a girl, holding your balloons steady. Hilarious! Thank you for sharing- now I gotta wipe that picture from my mind- LOL…. XOXOX Carrie

  3. Tom says:

    I remember my mom and dad gave out nickels, pennies, and candy. They enjoyed those times and this time of year brings back fond memories since they have both died.


    • Carrie Bayer says:

      Tom, I’m so glad you have good memories of Halloweens past- it’s wonderful to sit back & think of those fun times. Happy Halloween! Carrie

  4. Shayna Mallik says:

    Thank you for sharing your memories of Halloween with us. Since I was little I would do different thing, not trick or treating. When I lived in Pittsburgh we would go to the mall and all the stores would have awesome decorations and would give us candy and toys. It was awesome. Then when we moved to Torrence there was a fair every Halloween that my parents took my sister and I too. This was the best because if you lost he game you would get candy but if you won you got tickets and then could pick your own prizes at the end. Loved this, I got all sorts of things!!! Thank you for the trip down memory lane.

    XOXOX Shayna

    • Carrie Bayer says:

      Shayna, what great fun you had! I’m so glad that communities started organizing activities for kids where they could have some great, safe fun. Thank you so much for sharing your fun! Carrie

  5. Kari Leslie says:

    I remember those days in the 70’s too!! I remember that the local hospitals would x-ray your candy for free if your parents dropped by the ER. Crazy! My mom always made up our costumes. We would scrounge up old clothes. bring out her makeup, and jewelry, and viola we were transformed. My all time favorite costume was a gypsy. My mom went all out on this one! Long skirt, flowy blouse, babushka over my hair, The absolute best part was my makeup. She would create smokey eyes, ruby red lips, and a mole right in the proper place near the corner of my mouth. Then the crowning glory, I was allowed to wear her 14 ct gold giant hoop earings and tons of necklaces around my neck. It was spectacular!! I felt like a real gypsy princess, those days were the best!! Thanks for that walk down memory lane.

    Happy Holidays

    • Carrie Bayer says:

      Kari, now I remember the hospitals x-raying candy- thanks for the reminder! I can just picture you all fancy in your gypsy costume, how fun to feel so glamorous for an evening! You’re giving me ideas for next year’s costume, thank you! Carrie

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