Halloween at Home: How to Have a Memorable Halloween!

Halloween at Home: How to Have a Memorable Halloween!

My brother & I dressed up as Scully & Mulder from The X-Files. We had the BEST costumes! Thanks Mom!

Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday. There’s no pressure to have the perfect turkey to serve or anxiety over having presents for everyone. It’s pretty simple, candy, pumpkins, costumes & friends (plus a little spookiness, you have to have at least one spooky moment!).

I remember only trick-or-treating one time in an actual neighborhood, I enjoyed it but strangers made me uneasy and being a shy child I had a difficult time walking up to the strange & spooky houses. Fortunately for me the following year my church started a charming festival event on Halloween called “Pumpkin Palace”. It was complete with carnival games, prize tickets, candy, goldfish in plastic bags, pony rides and even an elephant that you could ride around in the straw arena. It was the most magical place I had ever seen and captured my whimsical child heart. Every year the event I most looked forward to was Pumpkin Palace.

As I got older I began to do set-up for the event, make sure booths had candy & enough beanbags, that kind of thing. I would even get to watch the beautiful elephant make her majestic entrance into the straw arena. It was still so magical and getting to watch others enjoy it made my treasured night even more precious.

It’s been 2 years since my church stopped hosting Pumpkin Palace. They wanted us to move into our own communities & neighborhoods instead of leaving them to be at church. At first I felt robbed of my prize night & felt rather devastated over the ending of such a sweet era. But, “Necessity is the mother of invention” (Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott) and with my family we planned out a wonderful new way to celebrate Halloween.

We will be carrying on this tradition tonight!

Here’s what we do:

We invite friends & family over for chili & a bonfire set up out front in our fire-pit with plenty chairs & warm blankets. We have loads of candy for trick-or-treaters and coffee travelers from Starbucks for the weary & chilly parents – this was a HUGE hit last year cause honestly, isn’t it nice for the parents to get something too? We have candles lit in the house, all our lights outside covered with those plastic jack-o-lantern from Target, and of course creepy movies playing in the background to set the mood (my personal favorites include: Sleepy Hollow – lots of spooky moments, Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas – you have to sing-along, and The Addams Family – hilarious!).

We polish the night off with pumpkin pies, s’mores and a reading of “The Hallowiener” – seriously one of the cutest children’s books I’ve ever read. It had all of us in stitches! Go get yourself a copy!

Via Barnes & Noble


Last year was one of the most pleasant surprises as it kept the magic of Halloween alive for me even in the new setting.

I encourage you to put a fun little twist on your evening. See what you can do to serve & love others in your neighborhood even if it’s as easy as having some hot coco for the kids & parents. It’s a wonderful time to greet others, shed love on lives & be a place of light and joy on a dark evening.

Have a very Happy Halloween!

What traditions are you keeping up this year?

Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Ms. Fran Cantor says:

    Dear Molly,

    Hi, It has been awhile and I have been reading the Blog with interesting Titles. I enjoy reading them.
    I feel with your COMPASSION and SENSITIVITY with this blog is working out for you. Plus with your
    personal input gives it that wonderful TOUCH. My best to you for a excellent UNDERTAKING.

    Memories of my Dear Children during their younger years was Fantastic. We always had PARTY
    for my Five GOBLINS & Friends, I made up the Games, they were the best which my Father share.
    I would set up a Pile of Baking Flour like a mountain and on top I would put a Coin,then the child had
    to pick up the coin with their teeth with hands behind their back. They Loved it!!!! They would keep
    the coin if they were able to get it. Year after Year we did this. Fun was had by all!!! The Decoration
    was very scary with the help of the children. They even talk about at times. I always made it Fun for
    My Family with any occasion that came up. I love doing it!!! Still do. Take Care.!!!

    Bless you, +

    Frannie <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    • Molly says:

      What sweet memories Frannie! I’ve never heard of that game you played with he coin and baking flour but my goodness does that sound fun! I love learning about others traditions & memories from treasured times. Thank you so much for reading the blog, for always saying something so sweet & encouraging, and ESPECIALLY for sharing your own life with me!
      Hope you have a blessed day!

  2. Lori says:

    You and Andy are the cutest!! I love the picture!
    I love this idea. It inspires me to become more in tune with my neighbors next year and to initiate a similar event.
    I thought I would be the only party pooper not passing out candy last night. Much to my surprise and disappointment, my street had very little trick or treating activity. It would be fun to get my street in the spirit next year.
    Love you,

    • Molly says:

      There are some years where we can fully engage & participate and others where we need to be alone or find a different way to spend the holiday than the traditional way. I’m sorry you didn’t have very many trick-or-treaters but I have a feeling that when you want them to come by, perhaps next Halloween, they will be there.
      Or, you just come over to my house & enjoy our band of company. You won’t be disappointed!
      Thank you for sharing, I’m glad you were inspired!

  3. Carrie Bayer says:

    Molly- you & Andy are just as cute now as you were then! I love this picture… I absolutely love the new tradition at your house, what a great idea! Not only is is fun for those who come by, it’s fun for you to host your event. What could be better? Nothing! Next year, I want to come by & participate in your wonderful festivities- thank you for sharing them with us! I hope this gives others some ideas & that they start a new tradition like yours. XOXOX Carrie

    • Molly says:

      Thank you Carrie!
      I found it so interesting after reading your blog that there is a little bit of a resurgence in the house-going activities and parties at home. While we didn’t have a ton of trick-or-treaters and many of the houses were empty or not friendly, there was more than there was last year & a feeling of rejuvenated Halloween spirit! I have nothing against the carnivals (obviously!) but I like the idea of flexibility with these holidays that can some times seem so overly defined or preset that we fear to make them into what we want.
      You must come next year! Thank you so much for reading & sharing my enthusiasm! I love it!

  4. Molly,

    Thanks for letting us in on your halloween moments. What really scares me is how old I am after seeing that photo of you and Andy. I have many fond memories of halloween as a child and young man. It was the perfect holiday for kids, of course you get to eat candy until you throw up, but you get to get away with a little mischief without getting into to much trouble. I may have taken advantage of the last perk a little to much. Boo!


  5. Molly says:

    Chuck you are too funny! I feel pretty old myself looking at that old photo – hard to believe any of us were ever that little! I’m sure you had your fair share of trouble and NOT just on Halloween! But it is so fun to have a holiday that gives everyone the excuse to divulge in desires they normally have to deny. We should all know what it’s like to eat too much candy & have awesome pictures of our 90’s hair & rad Halloween costumes!
    Thanks for reading!

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