Change of Seasons and 3 Ways to Embrace Autumn

Change of Seasons and 3 Ways to Embrace Autumn

Fall is my favorite time of year because it is nature’s pause. We start to see a beautiful transformation with the trees changing from a vibrant green to a crunchy orange. The carefree attitude of the summer months shift into a comfy, cozy frame of mind during late September and October. I get excited for the crisp weather and the pumpkin flavored goodies, like pumpkin cheesecake and pumpkin biscotti that line the market aisles.

With all the physical changes that happen around us, what changes are happening within us?

Photo courtesy of © javarman3

With shorter days and longer nights we find ourselves settling into new routines. Before the holiday season starts to gain traction, let’s take a moment to reflect, recharge, and reconnect.


Take part of an evening and give thought to events that have taken place this past year. For those who journal, go back and read what you have written these past months. Get a perspective on the issues that you were working through and look at the progress you’ve made.


Everyone that I work with at O’Connor Mortuary is passionate about what they do. We put our heart and soul into every moment we spend with families. We share in on some happy moments with families, like when they share their loved ones story or when we connect over something that shows just how small this world is. We also share some heartbreaking moments with them. On the emotional side of things, it’s hard to not take a little bit of “work” home with us.


When we have our time away from the mortuary, we do things that recharge our spirit and bring balance back into our lives. Some of us do this by having guitar jam sessions, seeking the perfect wave to surf, getting enthralled by a novel, yoga, and by enjoying moments with friends and family.

I think another great way to recharge is to go on an adventure. With warm days and cooler evenings, fall is the perfect time of year to explore. Escape fluorescent lights and the city life. Take a hike in the local wilderness park or drive up the coast to Big Sur.

Camp under the stars and let the sunlight wake you up as it breaks through the treetops. Go anywhere that doesn’t have cell phone reception!


Fall and winter months bring family and friends closer together. Being in the presence of people you enjoy sparks feelings of hope, closeness, and joy.

Photo courtesy of ©


When we are missing a loved one, we tend to look far ahead and see the holidays that we will spend without them. For some of us, we will always have an empty seat at our Thanksgiving and Christmas table. If someone close to you has passed, take this time to visit where they are buried. Have a meal at their favorite spot and take a friend along.

When going into a new season, we are reminded that all life is impermanent. This fall, honor your body by deepening your connection with yourself and the people around you because each moment we have is fleeting.

What are some ways you will enjoy this season?

How do you recharge after a long week at work?

Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Chuck RIcciardi says:

    Be still, and know I am. The only way to truly connect with our source, our God the universe or whatever your belief system is is to be still and silent. To pause as you so eloquently put it. Even mother nature has to pause and collect her thoughts for the continuous journey ahead. It is wise to take lessons from our natural surroundings that we are all connected to. As a youth it was all about summer for me. Beaches, waves, sun and of course girls. As I matured I also found myself gravitating towards what are now my two favorite months of the year, September and October. Kids are back at school, the beaches clear out and their is still some of the most beautiful days to be had. Santa Ana winds and south swells are what my dreams are made of. Then comes responsibility, family,work,computers and smart phones and the hurry up offense that is our society. It does make it difficult to collect our thoughts, but not impossible. I try to really unplug at least once a week and allow it all to wash away. Thanks for reminding us not to forget to do that! You are a wonderful asset to our team, keep it up.


    • Lauren says:

      It makes sense that we should take more lessons from nature because we are apart of it. I’m glad to hear how you are conscious to unplug and connect back to what matters most to you. Thanks Chuck for sharing!

  2. Lauren says:

    Well said.

  3. Jenn says:

    I like to unwind and reconnect in the fall by just staying at home sometimes or grabbing a nice dinner with friends, it seems during the summer that there is so much to do and so many places to go that sometimes in the fall it is nice to just throw on some warm socks and sweats and light up the old fireplace and snuggle with someone you love or a good movie or book.

  4. Greg Forster says:

    Hi Lauren,

    Thanks for this beautiful message. You made me eager to make my transition soon from Sunday afternoons hanging around the pool/spa to putting on my hiking boots and looking for cooler days to once again explore our local mountains and natural park areas. During my “single” days, I was very active with the Sierra Club. Fall brought several bus trips to Yosemite, the Sierras, Utah, and other areas. Whether it be hiking or backpacking, fall always, as you said, brings cooler days, the crowds are gone and there can be such quiet peace to be found. May your fall days be filled with cozy, warm, cool, and quiet.


  5. Joanna Ramirez says:

    What a beautiful blog Ms. Hiroshima. I love fall and when it comes a rollin, I absolutely love the change. I love the weather change and the change in the environment as a whole. Having a 2 year old makes it even more so fun especially when it rains and watching her just stare at it wondering where it is coming from. I always change something about myself when fall comes around. So far, I have kept to those goals of years past and will continue to do so.

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