The Winds of Change . . .

The Winds of Change . . .

Spring is in the air…


Well, as of today, Spring is upon us. March 20, 2014 marks the spring equinox and the end of winter. If you lived in Southern California this year you may feel like summer never ended and we just skipped through winter and went right into spring. I guess that is one of the main reasons we are all crammed into this corner of the world, some of the best weather on the planet, am I right? But I digress.

I love spring, a new chapter about to begin, and a fresh new outlook on life. A new beginning where hope springs eternal. A chance to shed the old and invite in the new. As much as we may want some things to stay the same in this life that is a power we do not posses. Things do not stay the same. We are always facing change and evolution. Most people, like me, have trouble processing that the only constant in this life, is change.

I want to repeat that… The only constant in this life, is change!

No matter how much we want something to stay the same, it never will, time marches on and the old chapters end and the new ones begin. Nature provides an unparalleled education to us all with the changing seasons and days that grow longer as we get warmer. What a great teacher to us all if we would just be still and allow the lesson to wash over us and be embraced us.

The smells of spring are one of the biggest indicators to me of this change. We have a wisteria vine in our back yard and when it blooms its purple flowers, the sweet aroma is unmistakable. As I walk outside it can literally stop me in my tracks, as I inhale deeply, a smile cracks over my face and I just take it in. It is one of the best reminders of me to just stop and appreciate the moment of now. So I stop and smell the wisteria.

Photo Courtesy of ©


It is one of the hardest things for us humans, to just stop and appreciate the now. To not worry about the future or try and fix something in our past – to just enjoy the moment in front of you. I understand that not all moments in our life are joyful, that pain and sorrow can be part of our now as well. But even in that journey we must pause and take it in, as difficult as that is.

I take in that sweet wisteria aroma for as much and as long as I can because I know it will not be around very long. The seasons continue to march on just like the seasons of our lives. If you are a parent you see the constant changes in your children as they grow and mature, they do not stay babies or toddlers or even teenagers forever (Thank God) they are in constant flux and change. Another terrific reminder for us of this constant evolution we call life.

So embrace the change and the newness that it brings. Be intentional about truly seeing the moments in front of you as they unfold. They will never unfold in quite the same way for you ever again – enjoy them! So take a moment this spring to “stop and smell the wisteria (or whatever makes you stop in your tracks)” and open your heart and soul to feel the wonderful newness of spring as a smile cracks across your face and you soak it all in.

Photo Courtesy of ©


|| what do you think?

What is your biggest reminder of spring?

What is your trigger that reminds you to stop and smell the roses?

Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Hello! I'm Molly and I run & manage the Blog here at O'Connor. I grew up in a mortuary with a mortician for a father who's deep respect for the profession inspired me to give working at a mortuary a try. Work at O'Connor has brought together two of my deep passions, writing & grief awareness. In 2016 I earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. I am honored to be able to speak on these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective. I want to sincerely thank you for following & reading the blog, I hope that this is a healing place for you.


  1. Fitz says:

    Hey Chuck,
    Great blog and reminder of the things that are important. It’s hard sometimes to let life happen and be OK with it. I know for me it’s been a challenge to try not to control outcomes. With age, I’ve gained more wisdom. Whether it was trying to control my golf shot or the trying to push my children to do something in school or in sports, I’ve had to learn that there are some things you can’t control. You just have to let life happen and learn from the outcome and be ok with it. Thanks for the great life reminders.

    • Chuck Ricciardi says:

      What a wise sage you have become. In our culture it is counter intuitive to allow. It is all about making it happen, striving towards that goal and practically killing yourself in the process. Always trying to out do the next guy and some will go to any lengths to do so. But the wise know that it is when we are still, that we truly are open to all of lives possibilities. Only then can we understand that we really have the power in us to allow and appreciate all that comes are way. “Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.”

  2. Tom says:

    I greet each day with a word of gratitude. Each day is a blessing to take in trough all of our senses.

  3. Anne Anderson Collins says:

    I have several things this spring that are meaningful to me. April and my grandsons planted my side yard with flowering bulbs and plants last fall. Now I have a plethora of freesia and ranunculas and other flowers beneath the red bougainvilla which is prettier than it has ever been. My wisteria had to be cut way back for a roof to get laid, so no blooms this spring. But I am getting my first two lilac blooms in the last day or so. They are a little puny this year.

    Last year, when Lou was sick in his bed in the living room we had the best crop of lilacs our little displaced mid-western bush has ever managed to put out. Lou had me cut a bunch for his bath nurse at the time. She was thrilled.

    A couple of nights ago, I put together my dinner and took Lou’s lawn chair out to the side yard and stuck it right in front of my little garden and ate my meal in total pleasure.

    Later I walked Bella and purposely left the ipod home and just listened to the birds as some of them seemed to follow me along the way.

    We have about 7 dogs in our immediate adjacent homes. Lately when I get home from work, due to the lovely weather, all of them are out there together, people talking, dogs frolicking. I get Bella and she tears out to the gathering and is delighted.

    Poor Molly recently had to be put to sleep. That was another horrible change. One I didn’t expect, but had to deal with and I did it the best way I could. Now her ashes are on the shelf next to Lou’s.

    I am facing my one year anniversary of losing Lou in 35 days. Not sure what I will do on that day. Probably just figure out the best way to get through it, while honoring his life in some way in my heart.

    This has definitely been a year of change, one I never dreamed would be happening to me this young, but there it is.

    • Chuck Ricciardi says:

      Spring can be a bonanza to the senses can’t it. I also recently left the music at home for my bike ride and just let the wind, birds, flowers and plants do all the singing. It never ceases to put a smile on my face. I know you have had some extremely difficult change in your life recently. With the death of a loved one especially a wonderful partner like Lou it is beyond difficult to embrace. I cannot believe we are coming up on the one year anniversary of Lou’s death. I imagine you taking Bella to the harbor that day and allowing the salted pacific air to wash over you. Lou will be right there with you, I’m sure of it, God bless!

  4. Lori says:

    Thank you for this reminder to stop and smell the roses, wisteria or whatever else one finds fragrant and enjoyable.
    This is a reminder that I basically need to be hit over the head with over and over…
    I’m passionate about what I do so it is easy for me to have a one track mind for my work and forget to nurture my external relationships. After talking with people all week and we know I like to talk, I feel that I need down/quiet time to recharge. This makes me not as likely to schedule face to face meetings and rely more on technology to keep in touch with friends and family. Not wise, I know and something I must work on this year.
    One way I have found to “smell the roses” is by spending quality time with a certain, adorable, two year old…..nothing makes you stop and take notice of even the smallest details like watching through the eyes of a child.
    Your post will initiate me to do some spring cleaning of my personal time!

    • Chuck RIcciardi says:


      Margins are very important in our lives. You are passionate about what you do and serving our families with care and empathy is right in your wheelhouse. But we really have to serve ourselves first, as selfish as that sounds. If we are not aligned then we will have a hard time helping others to be so. Children are one of the best ways to stop and take it in, that is for sure, right Auntie Lori. So go find that personal time and be one with all creation.

  5. Kari Lyn Leslie says:


    I am so thankful for your blog. This year has been a tough one early on, and I’m so ready for the Spring. I am affected to my core by the weather. I love the Fall, Winter, and Spring (Spummer) in SoCal. Unfortunately I’m not a huge fan of over 80 degrees, so I find myself cursing most days from now until October. As far a change, I am experiencing a shift in my own life at this time. A few things have happened that have caused me to pause and really examine why I am who I am today. Surprisingly enough, I am embracing these new feelings and ideas. Some may make a difference in my future, and some may just float right past me. I feel as if I’ve made it into the boat, I’m laying in the sun, and floating down a calm river. Things may change, but right now, I’m really enjoying the the float. This Spring I hope to enjoy PEACE.

    Love you!

    • Chuck Ricciardi says:

      I’m glad you are embracing your new feelings and the current and possible future changes coming your way. Certainly this exercise not always an easy task. You have a wonderful heart and I know things will work out for you. Life does not always work out in the exact form we think it will but I hope it will for you. So when the stress gets to much just picture yourself in that boat, slowly heading down stream on a lazy river with you fingers circling in the cool water. PEACE.

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