Travis James White

Travis James White

May 13, 1977 - April 25, 2006

Travis James White

May 13, 1977 - April 25, 2006


Travis James White 28 born on May 13, 1977, died on Tuesday, April 25, 2006. He worked for New Millinium Homes as a Supervisor for 8 years. He is survived by his loving sisters, Stephanie Ann Morgan and Jennifer Paige Cuff; loving brothers, Trevor Thomas White and Taylor Robert White; devoted parents, Jeanne Foley and Gerald White, Jr. He is also survived by his beloved step-parents, Deborah White and Richard Foley; loving grandparents, Jack and Shirly Rowe. Travis was dearly loved by many and will be deeply missed by all.

A Funeral Mass will be held on Friday, April, 28, 2006 – 12:00 P.M. at St. Catherine Of Siena Church, 990 Temple Terrace, Laguna Beach, CA 92651-2531

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102 responses to Travis James White

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  1. Mom says:

    My Dear sweet Travis,
    I woke up early this morning and felt the need to talk to you so much….I wanted to tell you that I got you a birthday present yesterday…anyone who knows you will understand this…I went to the animal shelter and adopted another dog “just for you”. He is 5 mos. old and he is a Catahoula Leopard Dog/Australian Shepard mix..his name is T.J. You would never let me call you that in life, you said “it sounds like a dog’s name”….so, there you go. I needed a baby to hold, to take care of, and of course instantly knew what I had to do. I wish you could see him….he is not as tiny as your little boston terrier, Carson….but he is a baby…and just as cute. Rufus and Gracie are not too sure about him yet…but I told them, “this is Trav’s dog…he stays…so get used to him”. I never forgot the Christmas in 1986 when I gave you a puppy for Christmas, and then had to give him away…I never forgave myself for that. I hope in some small way that you can see us now, and know that I got you a new puppy for your birthday, and I will keep him forever. I love you son………I miss you more than I can even put into words…my heart feels broken beyond repair.

  2. Ryan Hagen says:

    Hey Bro!

    Well what can I say…usually it would be Happy Birthday so I will stay the course. As everyone has expressed so much, it is hard to say more, but it’s Hagen, and I ALWAYS have something to say!
    As I have had A LOT of time to reflect on your time with us here on Earth, I keep asking myself did Trav know what an impact he had on my life? Did you know that you opened my mind and my heart? I sure hope so, and if not you have to know now! It is hard not having you here, but damn it it so awesome to see how you touched each of us in your own unique way.

    I rearranged the words to one of your favorite Dropkick songs “For Boston” so here it is!

    For Travis for Travis, we sing our proud refrain for Travis for Travis your memory will remain
    for we are all one and our hearts are true and your spirit reaches the heavens own blue.
    for Travis for Travis ’til we see you agin!

    For Travis for Travis thy glory is our own
    for Travis for Travis ’tis with you that truth is known
    always with you trust is found ’til time shall be no more and thy work is crowned
    for Travis for Travis thy glory is our own!

    Happy Birthday Trav…I love you and miss you


  3. Mom says:

    It’s almost 3 a.m….your birthday is over now…and today is Mother’s Day. I woke up after 2 a.m because Hagen called from your birthday party, he talked with Rick, and then Rick woke me up to tell me. I couldn’t go back to sleep….it sounds like they are missing you at that party, Son…I think so many times you were the glue that held things together. I miss you too…so, I thought I would come here and talk with you a bit. I pretend I’m simply writing my son an email…it doesn’t really work, but it does help. I love you son…I spent the day talking with Shawn, who drove two whole hours to our house to spend the day with me…we talked about you, looked at old pictures, played with your new puppy and the other dogs…I baked you a cake..chocolate…on the top I tried to duplicate the artwork for the tattoo everyone is getting for you…it didn’t look as good as the original, but I knew what it meant. I have started reading your books…I’m beginning with “Surfing the Himalayas”…I’ll let you know if I “get it”…I sure hope I do, I need to learn something new right now. Well, Son…as I’ve told you a gazillion times…I love you to infinity…and beyond..and back again. I am searching for something to “do” in your memory…I will let you know what it is when I come up with it. I know ten of my friends have gone to their local animal shelters and donated food to them in your name…I like that idea too…so I may just do that also. I am also going to look into volunteering at the hospital…you were so good with sick people, especially GeeGee…and I’d like to do that I think. I find it hard to believe I am “old enough” to be one of those “gray haird ladies in pink”…but apparently, I am. You and I have always had a hard time saying goodbye after a talk…and as you can see, I am still struggling to say goodbye. I love you Trav…
    and thank you for the Mother’s Day flowers..they came today…your sister is very sweet…and Hagen sent me a Mother’s Day card “for” you and he both….blessings of you continue to come to me.
    Sleep well.

  4. Mom says:

    Remember when you were little, and you never closed the door behind you when you ran outside? So, we all called you “Travis, close the door!”….I was talking with Grandpa Jack about you the other day, and we started laughing about that…”Travis, close the door”. I have been sitting here this morning, unable to do anything but think of you….my heart still feels so broken…I just can’t believe this is all true…three weeks have gone by, and I still cannot move………and suddenly that thought came into my mind….and I realized that I will never be able to get over this, it will be with me the rest of my life…because the door is still open. In death, as in life…you have once again, left the door open. That is just fine with me now, do not close it Trav…leave it open. I will never call you “Travis, close the door” again. I want that door open now.
    I miss you so much my Son…I love you forever.

  5. Here I sit with so much I could be doing. I open another beautiful e-mail that represents your legacy, and now here I sit sobbing. It is amazing how just when life starts to get that annoying kind of crazy, nothing of too much importance, just that crazy busy, is it then that I get the most beautifully grounded reminder of what life should represent.That reminder is you, your legacy. I don’t know why I am having such a hard time with your loss? Something has struck a cord and I think I am grateful. We can all go on just living, doing nothing of importance or we can make changes and do a lot of important things. I can’t say I have started but I sure am trying, I put your pictures up, I read your beautiful e-mails just so I DONT forget what is important, not to dwell but to grow. Thank you Travis for showing me it is ok to be in touch with my emotions that it is ok that even if I don’t now my purpose now, that it is never to late to find it. Thank you for reminding me what to teach my boys so they can grow to be a man of honor like yourself. Thank you.
    Often thought of, but never forgotten.


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