Shirley Lois Finholt

Shirley Lois Finholt

February 21, 1938 - July 18, 2010

Shirley Lois Finholt

February 21, 1938 - July 18, 2010


Shirley Lois Finholt lives in , passed away at the age of 72.
Born on February 21, 1938 and passed away on July 18, 2010.

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13 responses to Shirley Lois Finholt

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  1. Bobby caster says:

    Our condeolences to the family. We wish Claudia, Patricia and their families our best and will keep them in our prayers as Shirley is now with her two sisters, Judi and Leigh and her brother, Fletcher.

  2. Amy Johnson says:

    I didn’t know Shirley very well, but I remember she had a great sense of humor. I am sorry for your loss.

  3. I first met Shirley soon after I went to work for SMS in 1993. She seemed to especially enjoy the Texas “folks”!! She will be missed by all whose lives she has touched and my heartfelt prayers go out to her family.

  4. What a lovely lady. Such a loss. I have known Shirley for many years, since our SMS days together, and will never forget her warmth and enthusiasm, friendship and the way she called me “Miss Elaine”. My sincere condolences on your very great loss.

  5. Gail Parks says:

    My heart hurts for you loss of the wonderful Miss Shirley. She was a wonderful person and giving person. I remember her giving her air miles to another employee that could not afford an airline ticket.
    She will be greatly missed.

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