Diego “Jon” Antigua Dela Cruz Jr.

Diego “Jon” Antigua Dela Cruz Jr.

September 05, 1955 - January 10, 2021
Los Angeles California

Diego “Jon” Antigua Dela Cruz Jr.

September 05, 1955 - January 10, 2021
Los Angeles California


It is with deep sorrow and much love that we mourn the passing of beloved husband, father, and grandfather/Lolo, Diego “Jon” Antigua Dela Cruz, Jr. at the age of 65 from COVID-19. He fought the virus at home for a week along with his dear wife before being hospitalized on December 28th, 2020, with pneumonia. Family stayed virtually connected with him daily throughout his final days. He tragically succumbed to the virus on January 10th, 2021. May he now rest in eternal peace in Heaven above.

Jon was an outgoing, compassionate, and vibrant soul who will be missed deeply by all who knew him. He had represented the Philippines at the World Scout Jamboree in Japan and was a proud Eagle Scout. He was the life of the party and connected with people everywhere he went. Jon enjoyed capturing life’s precious moments on video and through photography. He embraced his Filipino heritage and also selflessly served those in need, including the homeless community. Jon was active in the Catholic church over the years as a music and eucharistic minister.  He enjoyed traveling, going on road trips, bowling, watching movies, and spending time with friends and family. Jon had a love for cooking for his family and friends. Jon grandfatherly fulfilled his APOstolic duties with fervor and love. He had a great sense of humor, and he never missed his ritual morning senior coffee at McD’s.

Jon sadly leaves behind the love of his life- his “Sweet”heart, Eva, whom he met at the school bus stop at age 16. Four years later, they got married and started a family. He lovingly referred to her as his Moon to his Sun. Jon’s love for life shines on in his cherished children (Jaymie, Jon, and Michelle), Apos/grandchildren (Brian, Carter, Emberlyn, Wesley, and Maximus), and sons-in-law (Anthony and Logan).

“Until we meet again, you will live on forever in my heart.”

Please join the Dela Cruz family on Tuesday, January 19th, 2021, at 7:00PM PST for a virtual live-streamed Vigil and Rosary held at O’Connor Mortuary, https://www.oneroomstreaming.com/view/authorise.php?k=161060734095297.

Family and friends will be able to join online to provide each other support, share stories, and grieve. Insert link info Due to COVID-19 restrictions, in-person attendance is limited to immediate family only.

A virtual funeral Mass will be held at St. Kilian Catholic Church on Wednesday, January 20th, 2021, at 1:00PM PST. Please join the family virtually live-streamed online with the link posted below. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, attendance is limited to immediate family only.


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127 responses to Diego “Jon” Antigua Dela Cruz Jr.

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  1. Brother-in-faith Jon: You were such a happy and gentle soul. I enjoyed every minute that you and sister Eva were in a personal conversation, prayer meeting and just casual get-together. My family and I extend our sincerest condolence to sister Eva and the family.
    May you now rest in God’s eternal peace.
    In Christ,
    Brother Tito and Sister Louise

    1. Our hearts are saddened by your loss and our thoughts and prayers are with you. 

      With warm thoughts and prayers,
      Mamitag Family

      1. Eva D says:

        “Thank you so much Mike!
        Thank you for thinking of us and your prayers.
        I’ll share this with Jon.

        Take care!
        Hugs and Love to you and family!

        The Delacruz family”

    2. Eva D says:

      Thank you Brother Tito!
      Those ministry days treasured.
      Those times, became part of his life’s journey.
      Our life’s journey.
      Never to be forgotten.
      He was planning to have another get together in June, on our 45th wedding anniversary.
      He’ll be remembered. He’s now resting in peace Brod!
      Warm regards to Sister Louise! Take care.!God bless!

      Hugs and love 

      Eva & family

  2. With sincere sympathy for your loss Eva and family. Jon will be missed at our Spirit’77 gatherings. He loved photography and taking videos. He left you with a lot of good memories to reminisce. Take care Eva. May Jon rest in peace 

  3. Alex Calo says:

    Dear Diego, it is still hard for me to believe that you already left us, your TCHS Class72 batch mates. You were full of life and energy! My fond memory of you was when you were our class basketball captain. You were so good in that game! You reunited our HS classmates again in Las Vegas almost 30 years after graduation. Since then, our group grew and we always looked forward to the next reunion. You had given us joy, happiness and laughter whenever you were around. Now that you’re gone, it will never be the same. But we will continue what you had started and to remember you always. You had achieved so much in your life, more than I could in my lifetime. I will miss you my dear friend. Now Rest In Peace.

    Dear Eva, I am so sorry for your sudden loss. I can only imagine your sorrow. Diego was always very proud of you and your children and loved you all unconditionally. I hope you find comfort that he is now in the House of our Lord where there is no more pain and sorrow. Always take care and stay safe.

    1. Eva D says:

      Remember Alex… the time we met in Cubao? Diego & I at a cinema?
      He talked about you a lot and your high school experiences.
      You’ve shared many fond memories together.
      He wanted to see you when we went to Texas but it was just a stop over.
      Please continue what he had started with the Trinity College group
      He’ll be joining you guys in spirit. He will be remembered.
      Thank you for all your loving thoughts and support.

      Hugs and love 
      Eva & family

  4. Eva ,we will never forget the great times with had with you and Jon. Jon had always been vibrant and fun to be with.
    He was also a kind and sweet man. We will always treasure
    Jon’s company from all the reunions we had.
    Eva, Jon will always be with you and your children..
    We pray for Jon’s peace and comfort. We pray for your strength to endure these passing days. Please let us help you in these times of needs spiritually and physically.
    We are just a phone away . We love you and stay strong!!. Cesar and Au

  5. Tito Jun, as we fondly called him, was as vibrant and enthusiastic as as they come. And it came as a shock to us of the news of his passing. Though we’ve never got to see him again, memories will always remain, in our photo albums, minds and hearts. Rest in peace Tito.

    Baboo, Carol, Chloe and Chelsea

    1. Eva D says:

      Oh Baboo! your Tito got sick around the Holidays.
      We were both sick. So he didn’t have the strength to post on FB. He passed 6 days after intubation. So soon.
      How much he loved the old pictures you sent. Thank you!
      We’ll remember him and he’ll stay in our minds and hearts.

      Hugs and love to you, Carol, Chloe and Chelsea 
      Tita Eva & family

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