Have questions about funeral services for a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? You’re not alone. Please see some of the most common questions we receive most often from families below.
Our knowledgeable staff is available to you at any time to go over specific details or concerns you may have. Simply contact us or submit our form to receive additional information. It is our priority to provide you with answers and peace-of-mind.
1What type of ceremony options do I have for the funeral of my loved one?
Our mortuary is committed to honoring cultural and religious traditions to help your family create the ceremony that would best honor your loved one’s life. Whether your family wants a visitation, funeral service or graveside dedication, our staff will be available to help make the appropriate selections and care for the details.
2What are appropriate traditions and customs for a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the United States?
Generally, the funeral service is held within one week of a death. Most families chose to have a private visitation at the local church of the family prior to moving into the chapel for the funeral service, which is open to the public. The service is typically 60-90 minutes in length where the life of the deceased is both remembered and celebrated. Although members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ, it is important to note that a cross or crucifix is not used during the funeral service nor seen on any part of the church buildings. The message of the gospel of Jesus Christ includes what happened on the cross, but this message and meaning is within each of the members of the church and requires no external symbol to manifest their faith.
If you are not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, you can still plan to attend the funeral and fully participate in the service. Modest, business-formal attire is appropriate-this may be a suit and tie for men and a dress or skirt for women. Guests may attend the graveside dedication following the funeral service, depending on the wishes of the family. It is acceptable to offer the family condolences before and after the funeral.
If you are not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, you can still plan to attend the funeral and fully participate in the service. Modest, business-formal attire is appropriate-this may be a suit and tie for men and a dress or skirt for women. Guests may attend the graveside dedication following the funeral service, depending on the wishes of the family. It is acceptable to offer the family condolences before and after the funeral.