Teresita Franco Santos
May 04, 1933 - February 24, 2005
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Teresita Franco Santos
May 04, 1933 - February 24, 2005
Teresita Franco Santos lives in , passed away at the age of 71.
Born on May 04, 1933 and passed away on February 24, 2005.
50 responses to Teresita Franco Santos
Mimi Fule says:
March 10, 2005
Dear Tito Benny, Edgar, Cherry, Edwyn, Jackie, Edmond & Dymphna,
We were in the Philippines during the burial so please extend our deep and heartfelt sympathy to you and the family.
Though we all know that it is just a matter of time there is nothing that could prepare anyone on difficult time like this. Tita Terry is such a ” lovely lady” who left behind great moments & touched too many hearts to ever be forgotten. I will always cherished the great times that we shared together upon my arrival in Orange County when she took me under her wings and made me feel such a special friend from day one. The family gatherings, laughthers & experienced at Mc Gaw Labs, cooking lessons & the recipes we shared and being my “Kumadre” but what stuck on my mind the most is her love of life & her family values-how she glows & her beautiful eyes sparkles when she talks about her children & those very precious grandchildren.
May you also find comfort in knowing how many people share your sadness due to her loss. Tita Terry will always be in my prayers.
Alexis Guerrier says:
May 7, 2005
Dearest Tita Terry,
I am thinking of you this Mother’s Day, and know that you will be in your children’s hearts. You raised 3 handsome boys and 3 beautiful girls very well; they’ve all turned out strong, kind, and loving – like you.
Thank you for the beautiful vase you gave me years ago, it’s full of flowers, in yours and Mama’s honor.
Love and miss you,
Edwyn F. Santos says:
July 13, 2005
Mom, I haven’t been feeling well since June 2005. Dawn thinks it’s because I miss you. She’s probably right. I miss you in so many ways. I miss calling you and describing my symptoms and you always knew what I may have and what I should do to feel better. And it always worked. You see, just writing this note to you is already making me feel better. Thank you. I love you.
By the way brothers, sisters, cousins and friends, I just googled myself and it led me here. Isn’t that an assurance…
Dawn L. Beechner says:
September 11, 2005
Last Sunday was a very beautiful day. All of us drove to Victorville to visit Tita Connie and Tito Alex. It was the first time for all of us to visit them without Terry. It was hard at first, however, seeing Connie and Alex helped keep Terry’s spirit alive. Her presence was felt and I knew that she was with us on that day. Smiling, laughing and joining in on the fun. Terry gave us a special gift; a gift to live, to love and to be happy.
I miss you and love you.
I want to thank Connie and Alex for all of their love and support. Love Dawn
Dawn says:
February 9, 2008
We cannot believe it has been 3 years since you passed away. There is not a day that goes by that Edwyn and I do not think about you. We miss you and feel an emptiness in our heart. We love and miss you. Love Edwyn and Dawn