Ronald Michael Weinbender
September 24, 1941 - August 21, 2019
Mission Viejo CA
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Ronald Michael Weinbender
September 24, 1941 - August 21, 2019
Mission Viejo CA
Ronald Michael Weinbender lives in Mission Viejo CA, passed away at the age of 77.
Born on September 24, 1941 and passed away on August 21, 2019.
Funeral Service
- Date & Time: August 31, 2019 (10:00 AM)
- Venue: O'Connor Mortuary
- Location: 25301 Alicia Parkway Laguna Hills, CA 92653 - (Get Directions)
- Phone Number: (949) 581-4300
Graveside Service
- Date & Time: September 13, 2019 (10:15 AM)
- Venue: Riverside National Cemetery
- Location: 22495 Van Buren Blvd. Riverside, CA 92518 - (Get Directions)
- Phone Number: (951) 653-8417
4 responses to Ronald Michael Weinbender
Blake Morris says:
August 26, 2019
In loving memory of a deeply faithful servant and precious brother in Christ, Ron Weinbender. Our friendship and kinship, as with countless others who knew him around the world, goes back a number of decades. As I close my eyes right now, I can still see Ron’s unusually contagious smile and can hear the laugh that no one else could duplicate. For those who likewise have a personal relationship in Christ, the time of our separation here on earth is very short but we will have all of Eternity to love, praise and bask in the presence of our Creator together! What a wonderful God we serve! Well done, good and faithful servant! In His love and grace, Blake, Dianne and family, on behalf of the hundreds in Canada who knew and loved Ron.
Darcie & Mike Fenn says:
August 28, 2019
Dear Sally, Jeff, Justina and Gracie,
I am so sorry to hear your beloved Ron… husband, father and grandpa has passed. I wish we could be there to help celebrate a life well lived. Our hearts and prayers are with you during this difficult time and hope they can help with healing your hearts. May Ron rest in love and peace.
Our love,
Darcie, Mike and Michael Fenn
in your Rockford home
Cynthia Shakarian says:
August 30, 2019
Tribute to our friend, Ron Weinbender
What a blessing it is to pay honor to this faithful man of God.
Faithful is a great word to describe Ron. Most of you already know, Ron was a loyal friend, but it would be amiss not to point out specifically how loyal he was to my dad, Richard Shakarian, my grandfather Demos Shakarian and especially the organization my grandfather founded, Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship International.
It’s not an exaggeration to call Ron, my father’s right-hand man. A go-forth man. A man who was sent out to accomplish what was needed to carry forward the plan of God.
As we honor the servant of God, we should resolve to do the same. Go forth as Ron did, doing what is necessary to fulfill the plan of God. Go forth and bring to pass the vision given by God to my grandfather, Demos. Thus, fulfilling the mandate by God to the FGBMFI.
Ron believed in and loved the legacy my grandfather left for all of us. And just as Ron carried the title of, Ambassador of Reconciliation, I believe many of us want to see what God has begun completed and will carry that torch to see it to victory!
Alexis Albers says:
May 11, 2020
Dear Sally
This is Lexie Albers a good friend of Bob n Jane Palmers. I don’t have your phone number n Bob of course is in a fog with Jane going to be with Jesus.
Dan is with Ron n Jane 12/12/16. I love you n know the earth is sad but Heaven is rejoicing‡
Hugs to you on 5/11/20 and always