Robert Wallace Clark

Robert Wallace Clark

January 05, 1930 - December 09, 2009

Robert Wallace Clark

January 05, 1930 - December 09, 2009


Robert Wallace Clark lives in , passed away at the age of 79.
Born on January 05, 1930 and passed away on December 09, 2009.

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26 responses to Robert Wallace Clark

  1. Joe Clark says:

    Happy Birthday pops. Will offer mass for you tonight..Never forget my old man.. Love from Clarks,
    Joe, Cindy ,Michelle, Miranda

  2. joe clark says:

    You share the same birthdate as your Great Granddaughter, Skilynn Marie Clark. You can bet I will bring her up to date on who her grandfather was, just as you did for me with your family. A date to always remember , two wonderful birthdays, on same day.
    my promise to you ( the afternoon of 12-9-2009) was NEVER to forget!! AND I WONT.

    Love you always #4 Joe Clark

  3. Cathy says:

    It’s been 6 years Dad, can’t believe it. Miss you as much today as I did then. Always watch over us all OK. Love you Cathy #5

  4. Cathy says:

    Lit a candle in memory of Robert Wallace Clark

  5. Joe Clark says:

    Hi pops,
    Thinking about you. We all miss you lots..
    Every day!!

    #4, Joe

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