Robert C. Isky

Robert C. Isky

August 15, 1934 - June 20, 2012

Robert C. Isky

August 15, 1934 - June 20, 2012


Robert C. Isky lives in , passed away at the age of 77.
Born on August 15, 1934 and passed away on June 20, 2012.

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41 responses to Robert C. Isky

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  1. About you Bob………With the distance between us, Bob, I didn’t know you very well as a brother in law, but I remember one vacation where Melisa and I stayed at a beachhouse and you and I enjoyed a few conversations. I didn’t see you laugh alot…but you seemed to smile under your thoughts.

    About you and Annabelle……..I know you and my sister, Annabelle, were married in Aug 1962, and that’s a long time to be married. You raised some beautiful and loving daughters, who are now raising their families. There’s a lot of give and take in marriages and you two have kept your vows….”till death do us part”.

    About my sister……….I’m so proud of my sister for being so diligent in your care, Bob, as your home health caregiver! Annabelle, you were amazing in the many years of your time and energy you dedicated to Bob. In our many conversations on late nite phone conversations, I’d hear you say you can’t do “this” or “can’t do “that because I have to be close to Bob”…or “Bob might need me”. I’m so thankful GOD gave you the strength to endure the hardship one experiences in taking care of a disabled family member. I can only imagine what your world has been like. You didn’t get paid, nobody forced you, and I know it’s been especially difficult on you these past few years, especially. I know you recently told me Bob said “I’m going home”. I’m thinking maybe an Angel must have whispered in his ear that GOD was going to send him home soon.

    I know this is a sad time for you, Annabelle, and Loreli, Mary, and Kristina, and for all of Bob’s grandchildren, son-in-laws, and for so many other family members and friends, who are grieving for the loss of your earthly body, Bob, including those of us who are so far away. I PRAYfor the Isky family for peace and strength, while you endure the sadness in your hearts. Let’s all especially pray for Annabelle, as she starts a new chapter in her Book of Life! May GOD’s blessings and mercy be with you all the days of your life!

    I didn’t have very many pictures of Bob, but thought I would post a few. One photot is of Annabelle and Bob with one of their grandchildren. You’ll notice Bob’s arm around Annabelle….that’s still love…after 50 years!

    Love you, Sis…and Isky family! And Bob….I’m imagining you running through those pearly gates of Heaven. See you…when it’s my turn!

    Marie Mattingly
    Annabelle’s Sister in St. Louis

  2. Rhen Kohan says:

    Annabelle….from our Women’s group, I have learned of your Bob’s passing. Please know of my prayers for you and also of my admiration of you as you took care of him so diligently and lovingly for these years he has needed it. My sympathies, my warm hugs and thoughts are with you, Rhen Kohan

  3. Rose Lueck says:

    Annabelle, I don’t remember ever meeting Bob. My loss, I’m sure. But in all the times you and I spoke, I remember how much you were devoted to him and his care… You and your family will be in my prayers for all the strength you need to get you through these difficult days. I wish we could be there for you. Love to you and your family during these difficult days.

    Rose Lueck, and Kristy, Dave, and Little Dave
    Annabelle’s Sister in St. Louis

  4. Marie, you wrote a beautiful memorial to Bob and Annabelle. Living in San Diego we probably saw Bob more often than you, especially in the earlier years. Bob was Jim’s best man at our wedding. I’ll find the pictures and post them. I remember when they used to live in Torrence, about 40 yrs ago, when we used to go to Disneyland and stop by to visit. At that time we had DeAnna who was under a year old. Disposable diapers was just coming out and they weren’t well sealed around the legs. I remember DeAnna being on Bob’s lap and her urine ran out of the diapers all over Bob. He just laughed and took it so well.
    Jim remembers that in 1965 he stayed with Annabelle and Bob for almost three months while he was discerning rather to reinlist in the Navy or not. He remembers Bob helping him wash his car.
    We have fond memories of Bob, as we would most always stop by if we were traveling back from a conference or Disneyland.
    God has sustained his life beyond what anyone expected and for that I know the family is grateful.
    May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

  5. Came across this photo also.

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