Paul Parviz Assadi
October 29, 1952 - August 03, 2010
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Paul Parviz Assadi
October 29, 1952 - August 03, 2010
Loving husband.
Devoted father, brother and friend.
Paul Parviz Assadi lived a life full of happiness. He loved his family and friends, and cared so much about others.
He loved his wife dearly and just recently celebrated 31 years of marriage. A wonderful family man, he always cherished his daughters, valued their achievements, and was there to cheer them up when they needed him.
Music was his passion. He was a drum player at heart, but played some other instruments as well. You could always bet that he was humming a song or making music with whatever was around him, be it a pen, book, etc.
His laughter was contagious, his smile heartfelt. Above anything else, he had a beautiful spirit. He left us too soon. We will miss him a lot, but we will keep him in our hearts forever.
Please share your stories or comments about Paul Parviz. We would enjoy reading your memories of him.
Proud daughters, Neda and Raana.
Memorial Service: El Toro Memorial Park, Sunday, August 8 from 11:00 a.m to 1:30 p.m.
Four Seasons Restaurant formerly known as Darband
14210 Culver Dr.
Irvine, CA 92604
949 857-8265
59 responses to Paul Parviz Assadi
Mike Stein says:
August 16, 2010
I am so sorry for your loss…Paul was such an amazing guy….I have great admiration for him with his positive outlook on life…He had the characteristics that i looked up to with his always positive attitude….He made the simplest of items very exciting..His enthusiasm was contagious and was a great role model for me as I grew up within Target…We will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers….He was an amazing man….
Linda Ewing-Roebuck says:
August 17, 2010
Lisa and Assadi Family, May you find peace at this very difficult time. We were all very lucky to have known a man that had influenced others so positively. He will be missed.
Jeff Tanksley says:
August 18, 2010
I worked for Target 8 1/2 years and met Paul numerous times in my store T1238 in Irvine. He was always polite and friendly with me. I will pray for the family to recover from his passing. I also lost a wife to Cancer in 1994. Sincerly ,
Jeff Tanksley
Nima Nakhshab says:
August 22, 2010
My uncle Parviz was a very unique man… I may only be 20 years old, but i have never met anyone quite like him. I remember when he would call me the first thing he said was: “hel-lo Neem neem… What’s goin on?” I’ll never forget that….Uncle parviz was very driven as a professional when necessary…but was also ALWAYS kind and caring. His sense of humor was very quiet but managed to make everyone laugh. He was a loving husband of 31 years…. a supportive father of two amazing children… a compassionate uncle… a new grandfather… and he was always the ideal friend to many.
Music was something that he was truly compassionate about. One of my earliest memories of him was when he would drum his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of any song that was playing and I’ve found that I picked up the same habit from him; it makes me smile because i know i got it from him. I remember it was always really exciting to see Uncle parviz play his drums live. I remember when me and raana were little, we would alwaysgo up right next to the stage and he would always smile at us while he played.
One of my favorite things about Uncle Parviz was how he had an alter ego name Paul, this was his buisness name. I remember he had the best American accent for someone who’s first language was farsi. You couldn’t even tell he was persian. Uncle parviz could be extremely professional at any second.
He was constantly supportive of his family and especially good to his wife, my anti nooshine. I remember he used to always call her aroos, which means bride in Farsi. He was continuously proud of his daughter Neda, and always cheered her on. And his daughter Raana was always daddys little girl in his heart.
One talent uncle Parviz had was that he could cook, and he could cook extremely well and as we all know it’s rare to find a man that can actually cook. His recipes were not limited to only persian food but many other kinds of foods as well. My favorite recipe of his was his teraki chicken, and he knew i loved it. I never have and never will taste a better terakyi chicken.
Ever since my parents came to america in 1985, Uncle Parviz did anything and everything to support them. My mom says that she not only lost her brother, but she lost her best friend. She says that Parviz would always put others before himself and that its very hard to find anyone like that these days.
There’s one final thing i want to remember about uncle parviz out of the millions of things he should be remembered for. It’s something he would always tell me. It was short and perfectly to the point. Whenever i would leave to go home or was saying goodbye to him on the phone he would always tell me to “be. Good.” Be good neem neem he would always tell me. I take it to mean exactly that. Be Good to yourself, be good to your family and friends and be good in general. Even in his final days when it was very hard for him to remember anything, and could barely speak he still had the strength and remembered to tell me to be good. This meant the world to me. I picked up this habit a while ago and now every time i say goodbye to my friends I always tell them to be good, and i hope to instill that in my own children one day and keep my uncle Parviz alive and in my heart forever.
I love you Uncle Parviz….be good.
Penny Lilly says:
August 25, 2010
I am deeply saddened to hear of Paul’s passing. I interacted with Paul for many years at Target.He quickly became one of my most respected mentors. Paul had a way of setting very high expectations, yet dedicated the time to get results. Paul was always kind, always respectful, and the kind of person you would never want to let down. I truley feel blessed to have known him, and greatful for all that he tought me throughout my career. I am sure that everyone that ever worked with him felt the same. God bless Paul and the lives that he touched. God bless your family at this time, may your hearts heal quickly. My condolences on a life cut way too short, but a life well lived. God Bless.