Mary Ann Elizabeth Noviello
October 23, 1945 - July 12, 2018
Irvine CA
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Mary Ann Elizabeth Noviello
October 23, 1945 - July 12, 2018
Irvine CA
Mary Ann Elizabeth Noviello lives in Irvine CA, passed away at the age of 72.
Born on October 23, 1945 and passed away on July 12, 2018.
Funeral Service
- Date & Time: July 15, 2018 (2:00 PM)
- Venue: O'Connor Mortuary
- Location: 25301 Alicia Parkway Laguna Hills, CA 92653 - (Get Directions)
- Phone Number: (949) 581-4300
13 responses to Mary Ann Elizabeth Noviello
Marlene granato hauger says:
July 17, 2018
Dear Richard and Family,
Extending my heartfelt sympathy. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. I will forever cherish my memories of MaryAnn and the fun we shared in our earlier days.
Love to all.
Marlene Granato Hauger
Ron Walters says:
July 17, 2018
So sorry for your loss.
Ron Walters
Kari Kohl says:
July 18, 2018
Rest in Peace MaryAnn. You are now free from any pain and discomfort with our Lord. You were such a kind and caring person and will be missed by all those who knew you.
Love, Kari