Marcela Schulte Nakashima

Marcela Schulte Nakashima

July 04, 1961 - June 27, 2004

Marcela Schulte Nakashima

July 04, 1961 - June 27, 2004


Marcela’s History
Marcela was born on July 4, 1961 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as the first of three children of Oscar and Susana.  During her life she lived in Argentina, Germany, Brazil, California and Mexico.  She spoke Spanish, English and Portuguese fluently.
Marcela and Michael were married on August 4, 2001, in Dana kjPoint, California and shortly afterwards they began their married life together in Mexico City, where they resided until returning to California on December 18, 2003.

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39 responses to Marcela Schulte Nakashima

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  1. Jason Harvey says:


    My deepest condolences. I sincerely wish you the best as you cherish the many memories Marcela has given you.


  2. Mike–I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. Take comfort in all the wonderful memories you both shared.

    God Bless,

  3. My first impression upon meeting Marcela..’She’s ADORABLE! What a treasure Mike has found’.
    Life holds few treasures.

  4. Susana, Oscar y Alejandra: A travŽs del Sr. Oshida estuve al tanto de los Ã…”ltimos momentos de Marcela. En mis oraciones diarias le he enviado el daimoku para que sea lo mejor para ella. Seguramente ahora estar”¡ reponiendo fuerzas para volver a nacer y continuar la lucha por el kosen-rufu, en el lugar donde ella ha elegido, porque siempre fue una ciudadana del mundo. Yo tambiŽn el ao pasado he perdido a mi hermano de 49 aos, repentinamente, por lo tanto, comprendo el gran dolor de la ausencia, pero lo importante es poder recordar su esp’ritu de lucha
    y nosotros seguir adelante, ya que ellos ya no pueden hacer m”¡s nada. Ahora, nos toca a nosotros continuar el camino y seguir para adelante. Desde la Argentina los acompao en este momento tan duro. Hasta siempre.

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