Larry Patrick Keating
August 09, 1959 - February 27, 2011
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Larry Patrick Keating
August 09, 1959 - February 27, 2011
1959 – 2011
Palmdale resident, Larry Patrick Keating died at his home on Sunday, February 27, 2011 due to melanoma cancer. He was 51 years old. Larry is survived by his wife, Patricia; his son, Kevin; his daughter, Meari; and a large extended family that includes his mother, Jean; two brothers, Kevin and Brian; two sisters, Ann and Kim; as well as his father-in-law, Donald Farrell and his brother-in-law, Edward. Larry spent a significant part of his childhood growing up in Garden Grove where he enjoyed swimming at the beach and being active in the Boy Scouts of America.
Larry worked as a software engineer in the aerospace industry for 31 years. In 1998 he joined Lockheed Martin Skunk Works and in 2007 was awarded Lockheed Martin’s highest honor, the Nova Award. He was again recognized by Skunk Works in 2010 for his important contributions as an ‘inventor, leader, mentor and friend.’ Prior to 1998, he worked for Rockwell-Boeing. He was also a part-time instructor at Antelope Valley College in their computer science program.
Larry loved life and people and livened every occasion with his quick wit and humor. An athlete and outdoorsman, he enjoyed backpacking, climbing mountains, running marathons and participating in Iron-Man triathlons. He loved every challenge. He had a gift for building as well as creating beautiful works in wood.
Services will be held on March 18, 2011, 11:00 a.m., at Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Aliso Viejo, California with interment following at Ascension Cemetery in Lake Forest. Donations can be made towards Melanoma Research in his name at:
American Cancer Society
1940 E. Deere Ave. #100
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Or Call at 949567-0613
Please include his name so that the money is designated towards Melanoma Research and they will let Patricia know that a donation was made on his behalf.
29 responses to Larry Patrick Keating
kixie pugh says:
March 14, 2011
Prayer for Inner Peace
Lord, help us to place our greatest troubles in your hands and to trust that you will bring healing to our weary souls.
Larry, I’m sure, is at peace and may peace be with all those of you that he loved so much.
Sincerely, kixie
Gail Whalen says:
March 15, 2011
I’ve just been told of Larry’s ascention to the next kingdom. God be pleased, he will be showered with God’s love.
For you,
“O my Lord, my Beloved, my Desire! Befriend me in my loneliness and accompany me in my exile. Remove my sorrow. Cause me to be devoted to Thy beauty. Witdraw me from all else save Thee. Attract me through Thy fragrances of holiness. Cause me to be associated in Thy Kingdom with those who are severed from all else save Thee, who long to serve Thy sacred threshold and who stand to work in Thy Cause. Enable me to be one of Thy maidservants who have attained to Thy good pleasure, Verily, Thou art the Gracious, the Generous.” ‘Abdu’l-Baha/Baha’i Faith
Mark Stanko says:
March 15, 2011
Wishing peace through the great memories of Larry. Larry and I went bear hunting in the San Gabriel mountains nearly 30 years ago. The adventure took us through a long hike in a narrow enclosed valley. No bear, just an old bleached out two point deer antler to capture the memory of a fun and adventurous person.
Sincerely, Mark Stanko
Mary Helen Hearn says:
March 15, 2011
Can still picture Larry as a little guy with a deep voice and wearng his Dad’s boots in the front yard.He accomplished so much in his short life–and enjoyed it,too. Love and heartfelt sympathy to all the Keatings.
Mary Helen
Will Keating says:
March 15, 2011
Larry was always a breath of fresh air with a twinkle in his eyes. We will always treasure our memories of him.
Will, Joy and Family