John Issa Manneh

John Issa Manneh

November 29, 1932 - September 06, 2011

John Issa Manneh

November 29, 1932 - September 06, 2011


John Issa Manneh lives in , passed away at the age of 78.
Born on November 29, 1932 and passed away on September 06, 2011.

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25 responses to John Issa Manneh

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  1. Dear Johnny & The Manneh Family,
    We all were shocked with the terrible sad news of the pass-away of your Very Dear Father Johnny, Please do accept our worm and sincere condolences*GOD REST HIS SOUL IN PEACE * We pray for Mrs. Manneh a quick recovery and a healthy life. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.
    The Sabaneghs” Family.

  2. ¯´Ã´¾Ã´”° ¯¤Ã´¾Â¯?ôůÃÂ,¯© ¯¤Ã´ÅôÃ´Å¯» ô˔  ¯£¯¬Ã´” Â¯Â¤Â¯?ô”¡Â¯Â¤ ¯ÔšÃ´Ë” Ã´” Ã´Å ô˔  ¯¤Ã´,ôÅô¾ ô˔  ô,¯¤Ã´Åôƒô¾ ô˔  ô,¯±Ã´Ë” Â¯Â¤Ã´”  ô˔  ¯£Ã´” Â¯?¯¬¯¤¯?ô”¡Ã´,¯Å’

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  3. Our Sincere Sympathy and Condolences. May he rest in peace!
    Joe and Marcelle Gideon

  4. Ramzi Dagher says:

    Dear Mrs. Manneh and Family,

    Our deepest sympathies to you and family for the loss of John.
    This is a great loss to all who knew him closely in Chtaura and Bekaa.

    We pray for the time when your sadness and grief is gently replaced by smiles and pleasant memories.

    May his soul rest in peace.

    Ramzi Dagher and Family
    Gatineau, Canada

  5. Dear Yvette, Johnny, Emilio, Michael and Marwan,

    I am really saddened by John’s death. Please accept my sincere condolences. May he rest in Peace. My prayers and thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

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