Fidel Barragan
April 24, 1957 - October 08, 2017
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Fidel Barragan
April 24, 1957 - October 08, 2017
Fidel Barragan lives in , passed away at the age of 60.
Born on April 24, 1957 and passed away on October 08, 2017.
Fidel Barragan lives in , passed away at the age of 60.
Born on April 24, 1957 and passed away on October 08, 2017.
2 responses to Fidel Barragan
Heidi Barragan says:
October 13, 2017
Fidel Barragan is my father. He has always been there for me and has taught me to become a hard worker. I am forever grateful with God for sending me a loving father like him. Yes, it is hard to face the fact that he is no longer here on earth. However, he left us with many memories. I will forever cherish these memories. To the time that I was small and he will take my sisters and I out to tell us a scary story about this ” lobo loco” Growing up and having him be strict to us about boys. He was always there to protect us all. I will never forget the father and daughter dance I had with you in my quincenera. I will always remember his dedication of building his own house in Mexico and being to be there for new years. He loved his cows, horses, and dogs that he has over in Mexico. My dad was known as “la aguila negra” because there is no one like him. He is a straight forward person and always loved to help people in any situation that he can and I am sure you would all agree with that. He is a man of family and of order, he was a true man. Dad, I Iove you always and you will always be in my heart, siempre sere tu gorda, even though growing up I was embarrassed to be called gorda especially when i was outside and you were calling me back in. You called me gorda so much that it came to the point that I told you if you knew my real name. Remember that, dad, that was funny. I was like pa saves como me llamo de verdad and you said gorda and I was like my real name and you kept messing around but you did get it right lol, but now its so weird if you call me by my name that is why only you can call me that lol. I love you dad! Don’t worry we will be okay. I Love You!
Veronica Robelo says:
October 14, 2017
Hace 4 Domingos llego tu papá con los gemelos a la capilla temprano como siempre y se sentó en el mismo lugar de siempre y yo estaba 2 bancas adelante , atrás de mi estaba mi cuñado Lemuel Robelo y le pregunte a tu papi por ustedes las mujeres y dijo que venÃÂan en camino pero que como se dilataban mucho por eso el se iba antes :joy::joy::joy:, le dije que es que las mujeres nesecitamos más tiempo para estar listas y empezó a bromear como siempre !! Dijo que no sabÃÂa porque las mujeres tenemos muchos vestidos y solo usamos los mismos siempre , que salimos con uno y no nos gusta y empezamos con el desfile y se pintan y se despintan :joy: y que los hombres no nesecitan nada asàse ven bien … que por eso el solo tenÃÂa pocos pantalones y pocas camisas y Lemuel también decÃÂa lo mismo , les dije que se aprovechaban que yo era la única mujer ahàpero cuando ustedes llegaran ÃÂbamos a ser 4, lo malo es que cuando ustedes llegaron ya ÃÂbamos a empezar el servicio …nos reÃÂmos un buen rato :blush:. Asàlo recordatemos siempre !!!