Dennis Tage Anderson
October 05, 1937 - January 31, 2005
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Dennis Tage Anderson
October 05, 1937 - January 31, 2005
Dennis Tage Anderson lives in , passed away at the age of 67.
Born on October 05, 1937 and passed away on January 31, 2005.
3 responses to Dennis Tage Anderson
Diana Rosenblatt says:
February 3, 2005
Barbara, Terry & Steve: We just wanted to send our thoughts and prayers to everyone. Dennis will be missed in our hearts. He was probably the only bowling coach I would never get mad at!. I will remember the laughs we shared while bowling in Southern California. Our thoughts are with you today and always. All our love, Ray, Diana, Addison and Shimon Rosenblatt.
Linda Smith says:
February 5, 2005
Dear Barbara,
Sharing life together – everything – and losing that huge part of yourself, is so hard. So deep and sad. Please feel deep in your heart God holding you tight in His arms. He will give you His love and strength to carry on through this horrible reality.
With time you will experience the most cherished memories in the most trivial and silly times, like when you are brushing your teeth or maybe when giving your order to a waitress in a restaurant. At the craziest of times you will be reminded that he is always with you making you giggle or affirming your decisions. Until you are to meet again.
With all of my sympathy and empathy in God’s love and grace forever,
Linda Smith in CST with Sammy and with Missy who is getting ready to evaluate for Therapy.
Autumn Prince says:
February 21, 2005
To the Family Of Dennis Tage Anderson,
My family and I are very sorry to hear about the loss of your loved one. Although you don’t know us personally, we certainly understand that the loss of a loved one can take its toll on your mental, physical, emotional, and most importantly, your spiritual health.
The words of comfort found in the Bible can help us to cope with the loss of a dear one. There is one scripture that stands to give us hope. In the Bible book of John, chapter 5 and verse 28, Jesus said, ‘Do not marvel at this because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear my voice and come out.’
This hope has allowed millions of families, including my own, to cope with the feelings of sadness and even guilt that one may struggle with after losing a loved one in death. Please feel free to email me if you’d like to receive comforting Bible based literature.
Autumn Prince