Dawna Mallard
August 29, 1964 - July 18, 2005
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Dawna Mallard
August 29, 1964 - July 18, 2005
Dawna Mallard lives in , passed away at the age of 40.
Born on August 29, 1964 and passed away on July 18, 2005.
Dawna Mallard lives in , passed away at the age of 40.
Born on August 29, 1964 and passed away on July 18, 2005.
54 responses to Dawna Mallard
Jill Tauchert says:
July 22, 2005
My deepest condolences, Gene, Lee, Debra, Dede and to all who’ve known and loved Dawna. Laughter, wit, strength and a heart of gold are just a few of the words that come to mind when I think of her. Dawna has been a special part of my life, especially through my formative years and I’m still forming. She was the reason I worked at CEC for so long. She made us more like family. She never missed a birthday or holiday…ever. Yes, where has all the confetti gone??? I am so glad that I got to see her while I was down in June. She showed such inner strength and maintained a good sense of humor through everything. I will miss you dearly, Dawna. Thank you for being a special part of my life.
Love, Jill
Jim Killian says:
July 22, 2005
“May the choirs of angels come to greet you, may they speed you to Paradise. May the Lord enfold you in His Mercy. May you find Eternal Life!”
Met Dawna as juniors in high school. We were in choir and West Side Story, and then even worked at Chuck E’s together. Always a great friend, funny, serious, whatever the mood called for.
Strangely, Chuck E’s was what kept us in touch over the years. I’d visit when in the neighborhood, and then she planned the reunion.
I was lucky to have been able to reconnect with her by e-mail about a month ago, and was looking forward to seeing her soon.
Blessings of peace to all who love Dawna.
Judy&Jim Jones says:
July 22, 2005
We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Judy and Jim
Kathy Lew Clark says:
July 22, 2005
Dawna was such a strong, wonderful, caring person that it’s hard to believe that she’s left her earthly body.
We met in high school and shared many, many days filled with laughter. Through the last 20+ years, she never failed to remember every birthday and holiday with her cards and confetti, even when I wasn’t such a good correspondent.
My deepest sympathy to all the Mallard family at this time. She will be missed.
-Kathy Lew Clark
Kenny Stevenson says:
July 22, 2005
Dawna was such an amazing and special person, and a big part of so many people’s lives, including myself. I didn’t love every minute that I worked at CEC, but I enjoyed every minute that I spent with Dawna, and I loved the fact that years after I left CEC, I still had the opportunity to hand out and just learn to know her as a person, and not just as my superior. I was blessed to know her, and I have many memories that I will cherish.