David John Parker
October 01, 1957 - July 10, 2004
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David John Parker
October 01, 1957 - July 10, 2004
David is survived by beloved wife Sheri. David is the loving father of Dustin Parker, Jared Parker, Sullivan Parker, David Parker, Michael Turrigiano and Matthew Turringiano. Beloved brother of Bobbi Elizabeth Parker-Smith, Douglas Frank Parker and Donald Michael Parker. Loving parents John and Mary Parker, and grandfather Arnold Staley.
Too Soon
David John Parker has left us too soon.
From birth, David was a driving force, determined to conquer the world. By the time he was 18, he’d already proven himself a competent actor, singer, and athlete. He was also in the process of becoming a world-class pole-vaulter, having won Gold Medals in three successive years in Canada’s in-door championships. Achieving his dream of being on the Canadian Olympic track team, he watched politics foil his chances.
He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology with an eye of becoming a teacher of Physical Education, but California called and there he built a new life, a new family Terry and three sons: Dustin, Jerad, and Sullivan, and a new business: DJ Parker Construction.
Like all other things that David touched, his new life flourished–even though he endured a difficult all-consuming down time. But he rose above his problems, with the help of many people, primarily his darling Sheri whom he cherished. David, always the romantic, arranged to marry Sheri the day after Valentine’s and the day before her birthday. Sadly they were only able to celebrate this three-day event three times. But happily their pride and joy, David John, was born to carry on Dave’s name.
Big-hearted David also took under his wing two more boys: Sheri’s Matthew and Michael. He had mighty plans for his large family. Many more dreams to fulfill.
We are now left without his sense of humor, his engaging smile, his determination, his philosophical lessons, his boundless patience, his joy for living, his desire for fair play, his consideration for others, his romantic nature, his eye for beauty, his creative talents, and above all, his love of family.
Yes, our son David has left us all too soon. John and Mary Parker
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, 7/17/04 – 4:00PM at O’Connor Laguna Hills Mortuary.
38 responses to David John Parker
Jeffrey, Bobbi, Kawai, Keoni & Kaili'i Smith says:
July 16, 2004
We share in your sorrow and will miss David dearly! His kindness and passion will live on with his creations in all of our homes. Our Love and Aloha are with our immediate and extended families. We are here forever and always to help out in any way we can with you Sheri, Dustin, Jarred, Sullivan, David John, John, Mary, Mathew & Michael. We are sure David is resting peacefully.
Love, The Smith’s
jim and kimberly koch says:
July 16, 2004
We will miss david dearly, he was a brother to kimberly and myself,and a great uncle to our son hunter. He will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Marty Molloy says:
July 16, 2004
I’m sorry to hear of David’s passing, I didn’t know him, but it’s nice to see that he was thought very well of by many different people. My best wishes go out to the families.
Mom and Larry says:
July 16, 2004
To my Sheri and Boys
It is so hard for me to express myself in words at this time.. I may not have known David as well as the rest of our family…But I know he loved you and you were his Princess and the boys his Knights..Think of all the Good Times you had together…Think of your Love….Little David…I wish I could be with you all at this time but I am…In my Heart..my Mind and my Soul…..
I love you so very much…
Love always
From an Angel on high
a tender message of love was softly whispered into the ear
of this humble scribe….
Weep not for me
now that I have passed.
Remember the laughter, the affection, the joy
not just the recent tears.
Cherish the memories, our hopes and dreams.
Hold fast to the love that we shared.
Be happy with the time we spent together
and being anew.
For I am not really gone,
I am closer than ever before.
As the morning sun rises
and throughout the busy day…I am with you.
Until the setting sun disappears on the horizon
and we watch the day turn into night…I am here.
You may feel a faint breeze stir round your head, while you slumber
as I gently kiss your forehead, “Good night.”
The stars that shine so brightly in my heavenly sky
help me watch over you and keep you from harm.
I am the wind in the trees
and the song of a bird.
I am moonbeams in a midnight sky
and a glorious rainbow after the storm.
I am morning dew
and freshly-fallen snow.
I am a butterfly flying overhead
and a puppy happily at play.
I am a smile on a stranger’s face
a gentle touch
a warm embrace.
Listen to the wind for my message of love.
Watch the sun rise and set in the sky with me.
Feel my essence encircle you with warm memories.
Open your heart to know…I am not gone.
Reach deep into your soul…You will find me.
I am here.
Have no fear.
I am with you,
Patricia Lyon says:
July 16, 2004
Dear Sheri, Dustin, Jared, Sullivan, David, Michael and Matthew
Please accept my deepest condolences at a time of great sorrow. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Please take care of yourselves and God bless you.
Patricia Lyon