Bill Steinriede
December 14, 1944 - October 05, 2010
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Bill Steinriede
December 14, 1944 - October 05, 2010
Bill Steinriede lives in , passed away at the age of 65.
Born on December 14, 1944 and passed away on October 05, 2010.
Bill Steinriede lives in , passed away at the age of 65.
Born on December 14, 1944 and passed away on October 05, 2010.
20 responses to Bill Steinriede
Melissa Millis says:
October 20, 2010
He was one of the best Wrestling coaches that Southeast High School ever had. State Champions in the 70’s he will be missed. Also my thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Becky Shilliday says:
October 22, 2010
When ever I think of Steinriede I think of that great smile of yours. I loved having you for a teacher, and you were the greatest wrestling coach at Southeast. You will be missed.
Becky Shilliday
Becky Shilliday says:
October 22, 2010
To Bill “Coach” Steinriede’s family, my sympathies to all of you. Any one who had the privilege of knowing “Coach” Steinriede was so very blessed. He knew how to bring a team together, he had a lot of spirit in him and it was very infectious. My prayers are with you all. Becky Shilliday
Dave Passmore says:
October 22, 2010
I will never forget your influence on me. You made it fun to work hard for what you want, and if you do anything is possible. That has stuck with me all these years. We still talk about you alot. Your picture, with the rest of the 1973 State Champion wrestling team still hangs in the Southeast wall of fame. God Bless you.
Dave shoot less Passmore Southeast High School class of 1974.
James Burack says:
October 22, 2010
Thanks for the great wrestling teams you gave Southeast and the state championship you and your team brought us.