Barbara Jane Mehner

Barbara Jane Mehner

May 05, 1958 - August 31, 2005

Barbara Jane Mehner

May 05, 1958 - August 31, 2005


It is impossible to relate in words the impact Barbara Jane Jamison Mehner had on her family, the community around her, and the world as a whole. She spread joy wherever she went, inspiring those around her with unconditional love and compassion. Whether it was in a doctor’s office or at the local elementary school or at a church activity, Barbara Mehner’s gentle and bright countenance served as a window to us all of our Savior Jesus Christ. In her forty seven years here on earth, she helped those who had the privilege to be in contact with her feel a little bit closer to heaven.
Barb graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor’s degree in Humanities and a minor in Spanish. During her college years she served in humanitarian programs in Israel and Guatemala. She was married on August 15, 1980 in the Los Angeles Temple for time and all eternity to Glenn Robert Mehner. At church she served in several callings, including Young Women’s president, Primary president, girl’s camp director, and most recently, taught early morning seminary to teenagers. She was a devoted wife and remarkable mother to her four daughters, Brooke Marie, Shannon Elizabeth, Meredith Lynn, and Allyson Bren; teaching and inspiring through the love and passion she had for life and the gospel of Jesus Christ. She loved all of the arts, and founded Arroyo Vista Children’s Theater nonprofit organization in order to help elementary school kids discover their inner potential for greatness. Through the 12 productions she directed, the last one while she was in the midst of rigorous chemotherapy, she touched a countless number of children’s and parent’s lives and taught us all to believe in our ?possibilities?.
Barb fought stage four Melanoma cancer valiantly for the past ten months and endured excruciating pain with dignity, compassion and love. Though she will be missed dearly by all those who had the privilege to know her, the pain is eased through the knowledge that her family will see her once again. ?These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.? John 16:33 We love Barb and thank the Lord for the precious years we shared with her.

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53 responses to Barbara Jane Mehner

  1. Dear Glenn and Family,
    We send our deepest sympathy to you and your family. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. Glenn and Girls:
    It has been said that the greatest gift on earth we give is the imprint of love we leave behind. From all that I heard today you have all been blessed by the love care and friendship of an extraordinary person. As your life has been touched so dearly by Barbara, so too will she touch others through each of you.
    Our love to you all,
    The Family of David and Eva Weinberg

  3. Toni Mora says:

    Glenn & Girls

    I am so honored to have met Barb and some of the people whose lives she has touched. The celebration of her life was a beautiful tribute to her giving spirit and devine strength.

  4. bonnie rosen says:

    The service yesterday was very inspirational. Although I never personally met “Barb” I now feel that I know her. The speakers offered insight of her as a Mother, Wife, teacher, and a women of faith and great accomplishment – not the least of which are the 4 poised and devoted daughters. She will live on in you all and her legacy will be passed down through the generations. You all were very blessed to have her, and she you.
    Bonnie and Dan Rosen

  5. Dear Glenn and Family,

    I too had the opportunity to be a part of Barb’s Israel group. We are deeply saddened at her passing. I was moved by all the sweet memories and tributes. I even used the example of those sweet R.S. sisters assising in your home in a lesson I taught last week. Indeed her life touched many. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. With deepest sympathy,

    Colleen Meier Evans

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