Grief finds us anywhere and in all the ordinary ways. But there are days where it can seem to mount and build into something daunting and dreaded. These are the BIG Grief days – the ones we can anticipate – birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.
With Mother’s Day behind us and Father’s Day coming, we are in the midst of some BIG, shared, grief days.
I’ve been so touched by the inclusion of bereaved people that has started to make its way through Mother’s and Father’s Day. More and more social media posts honor and name those who may be grieving their parents or their child/children. This public acknowledgment links grief to these special days which, in my mind, makes them all the more special. Death brings about a perspective like no other.
As we continue to make way for Mother’s and Father’s Days that aren’t “happy” we make room for reality, the preciousness of time, and whatever your experience of these days may be.
I know that for myself, simply doing nothing is almost never helpful. Our grief craves an outlet that requires us to act in some way. When we can get it out, write it out, say it out loud, share it, cook with it or simply open ourselves up to it – we are interacting with love on the flip side of all we wanted and had. These BIG grief days aren’t easy but you will make it to the other side.
Be gentle to yourself,
honor them in your own way,
what you are doing and feeling matters.