– If you go see the lights in Naples – it’s worth the drive to Belmont Shore to see the gorgeous lights that deck the houses lining the harbor & canals.
I love the one with the leg lamp.
– If on Christmas morning, when you go outside to get the newspaper or greet your family, you are in a t-shirt, shorts & sandals.
– If your family heads to the beach to make “sand angels” or “sand men”.
– If you make an evening of the Newport Boat Parade – boats parade by loaded in lights with ridiculous & funny themes.
– If weather people are telling you it’s “freezing” when it’s actually 60-50 degrees outside. This video from Jimmy Kimmel (SERIOUSLY WATCH THIS) is hilarious & puts us in our place. We’ve got it easy (Disclaimer: as I type this I’m wrapped in a blanket with a heater on my feet and, yeah, it’s 59 outside – freezing).
– If you’ve wrapped more palm trees in Christmas lights than actual Christmas trees.
– If you try to wear the new sweater or pair of boots you got for Christmas and end up sweating just because you are stubbornly determined to wear your Christmas clothes on Christmas.
– If your version of a “White Christmas” is the “snow” at Disneyland. It’s our only shot at that dream and we’ll take what we can get. And ya know what else, it’s pretty darn great.
– If you go into Target and there are bathing suits next to the winter coats (it’s ridiculous, don’t they know it’s freezing?).
– If you’ve seen a Santa surfing.
– If you go to the store to BUY pine-cones.
– If you need sunglasses on Christmas day.
– If you hold out hope every year, despite all odds, that it just might, maybe, ya never know, snow (it won’t, but who knows).
– If you are literally having to dream of a White Christmas.
– If you’re reading a hilarious mortuary blog ; ) you wierdie you.
We do have it lucky, I could not imagine having to shovel my driveway or scrape my windshield every morning. I would just live in a blanket by a fire place. People are afraid of earthquakes but being able to BBQ outside on Christmas day is a luxury I will put up with earthquakes for! Great blog
Thanks Jenn! I COMPLETELY agree with you about the bar-b-queing, is there any better way to eat?
I hope you have a wonderful Southern California Christmas this year!
That’s why we love living here! Thanks for the light hearted look at life in So Cal or Paradise by the Sea. Merry Christmas to you all. I parry a safe and joyous time with family and friends for you all.
Thanks dad! Glad you enjoyed it!
Yes, I always feel bad telling people how wonderful it is – but it’s all relative I guess : )
Great reminder of the uniqueness of living in Southern California. I have done most of the SoCal traditions like the rest of us So Cal natives. In fact I’m going to the Newport Boat Parade tonight, timing is everything. Being a surfer boy I have seen a surfing Santa Clause and I’m sure we will all have our sunglasses on at Christmas. Thanks for creating a little humor break during the rush of craziness that is the week before Christmas. Now turn that heater off it is 62 degrees outside.
Haha, nothing comes between me & my heater! Thanks for reading & enjoying the post. Have a wonderful time at the boat parade tonight !
Merry Christmas!
Oh my gosh Molly! This is so funny – and true (you know how cold I get when it is below 70 degrees). I can’t wait to share it with my midwestern family and friends!!
When I was with my son today on his 4th grade field trip to Mission San Juan Capistrano, it started to rain and all the kids were trying to catch raindrops on their tongues instead of snowflakes – priceless!!
Thanks for making me smile,
Oh so glad you liked it Becky!! It’s so fun to see how we adapt to our weather to make it feel “christmassy” even though it may not reflect the picture-perfect snowy scenes we see on the cards.
I hope your family gets a kick out of this & love that your kids were catching those rain drops – so fun!
Merry Christmas!