3 Reasons Why You & Your Phone Should Take a Break

3 Reasons Why You & Your Phone Should Take a Break

3 Reasons Why You & Your Phone Should Take a Break

In today’s busy world we are programmed to go go go! With the help of technology, the “go go going” is getting faster every day. We have cell phones that make dinner reservations, coffee makers that use iPods, and DVRs that record the television shows we like to watch so we can fast forward through them. With all of these devices I sometimes feel like George Jetson running on his treadmill in the sky. Why do we use all of these gadgets? So we can save time!

But in the process of “saving time” I find myself wasting a lot of it on the same devices that were supposed to help free-up my time in the first place. While playing with my son, Jesse, I am on the phone texting, reading emails, looking up NBA scores and checking out Facebook. I realized that I am losing precious time with Jesse that I can never get back. He doesn’t have a pause or rewind button. If I miss one of his milestones, that’s it. There is never going to be another “first time”.

Life gives us an unknown amount of time on this earth so we need to spend it wisely. Have our gadgets really helped us save time? If so, what have we done with all the saved time? Think about the quality of your time, enjoying the moment and tuning in by turning off.

Virtual vs. Real – Instead of having a virtual conversation, have a real conversation. Really listen when somebody is speaking to you. You may miss that nugget of wisdom because you were two steps ahead of the conversation and eager to give your response without letting them finish their thoughts; and all because you are trying to save time. When you give time to others through listening and attention you not only improve the quality of your relationship but you spend your time wisely.

Enjoying the Moment – We have a tendency to worry about what happened yesterday and what might be in store for us tomorrow instead of enjoying the actual moment we are in. I become more aware of this when it comes to my son. I only have a few hours with him each day and I want those hours to become a lifetime of memories for both of us. In other words, I’m intentional about the time I spend with him.

Tune In by Turning Off – This is such a simple concept, yet I often see couples out to dinner checking their cell phones. I’ve been guilty of this on occasion – don’t make my mistake. The emails and messages are still going to be there in a couple of hours so have a great date! Anne wrote about the importance of allowing your mind to rest before bed and I’m also advocating that you do this as you enter into playtime with your kids or a date night. Either turn your phone off ahead of time or choose to ignore it when you’re with these special people. You will be happy you did.

Now take a moment and pause, no really . . . PAUSE.  Now, think of the simple things in life that make you happy and ask yourself these questions:

Do I struggle with enjoying the moment? What can I do to change that?

What can I do to improve the quality of my time?

Which relationships need more of my focused attention?


Molly Keating
Molly Keating
Molly grew up in and around funeral homes her entire life. In 2009 she began working for O'Connor Mortuary and found a bridge between her passion for writing and her interest in grief and bereavement. In 2016 she earned Certification in the field of Thanatology, the study of Death, Dying and Bereavement. She is honored to be able to write about these taboo topics with knowledge, compassion, and a unique perspective.


  1. Molly says:

    Just found this and loved the correlation. I love this blog Neil & I lament how much I needed to read it. I remember in high school one of my pastors told me that the MOST important thing in life was relationships – people, the people that I forget to look at or acknowledge in favor of looking at something silly on my phone. Of course I do use it to communicate with a lot of people I can’t see face-to-face but the amount of time I waste on it NOT communicating is pretty shocking. Thank you so much for your ideas & challenges, I’m going to look at people tomorrow & keep my phone in my purse as much as I can. Really.

    • Molly –

      I am glad you enjoyed this post. I know we all can relate to one degree or another. I am committing my self to only use my phone when I have to, and not during family time. You are 110% right the only true meaningful things in life are our relationships, not applications, texts or emails. I have serious concern with how we are losing the value of deep relationships when we stop talking face to face. I know phones and applications have a place & time, yet they will never replace a beautiful face like yours!


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